Support For You

I've Got You Covered!

As a DeAnza student there are many resources available to you to support your learning. 

Successful people know that seeking the help and support of others as needed is a strategy that has much to offer.  To quote a fellow instructor,  a willingness to seek help in order to meet your goals is an important mindset to cultivate. 

As your instructor, I am your #1 "go to" person to contact if you're having any problems in this class.  If something doesn't make sense, if something seems confusing, if you need help of any kind, or you'd just like more information, let me know. Please reach out to me.  

If you run into problems using Canvas refer to the Canvas Assistance included in the Campus Resources below and contact me via email.  We will solve the problem together. Read on for more information about services available to you. 


I love hearing from my students!  

Drop in on my Zoom Office hours (Fridays and Mondays 11 am - 1 pm). Do not hesitate to contact me (e-mail, Canvas Inbox, office hours) if you have questions, concerns, are experiencing "life issues" that are impacting your academic life, or just want to "check in" with me. 

If you direct message me you will hear from me within 24-48 hours, usually much sooner.   Don't worry -- you are not "bothering" me! 

It is critical that you download the Pronto App and  check your email and your Canvas inbox regularly--every day or every other day. Also check your e-mail SPAM folder.  It is your responsibility to make sure the email address on My Portal and Canvas is correct.

TIP:  Set up your Canvas Notifications to receive e-mail or push notification for Conversation Message, so you'll be notified when a message lands in your Inbox, and for Submission Comment, so you'll be notified when I've left a comment for you with a score or assignment submission. Select Account underneath your name and then click on Notifications

Make those settings to make your student life easier

No question or concern is too small, 

and there's no such thing as a "stupid question." 

I will be communicating with the class through regular announcements

I send out announcements every Monday and Friday (and sometimes other days). They contain TO DO lists, what's happening this week, tips, and much, much more. 

Read them. Even though sometimes they're long and they might come every few days, read them! Really read them -- don't skim

Read all of them. 

You are responsible for the information communicated.

There's another way I communicate with you: Comments (or Feedback) attached to Canvas work.  

Some comments contain reminders about a deadline that is approaching. Most contain some sort of feedback regarding your quiz score, Action Plan submission and more.

Sometimes a comment to your Action Plan submission informs you that something is missing, or has an error that needs fixing.

Read all comments/feedback.

If you don't read them, you could miss something that could have consequences, possibly affecting your grade.

You can find the comments/feedback by clicking on "Grades" on Canvas, select the assignment/quiz and then look at the screen that appears for "show feedback"

If you get e-mail notifications set up to include comments/feedback, you'll receive an e-mail whenever a comment/feedback is left.

Campus Resources 

Here is a list of resources at DeAnza:

Never forget....I'm here to help YOU!