F A Q s

Here are some of the more common questions students ask me

If you have a question that is not here and the answer is not found on this syllabus, reach out to me.

I'm here to help YOU!

Do I need to buy the book Thin for Life?

No, you don't need to buy it IF you can find a copy at your local library, or use the one on reserve at the DeAnza library. You can check it out and read it without buying it! 

But you DO need to READ several chapters in the book.

FYI: It is not an expensive book (available at the DeAnza Bookstore). And used copies can be found for <10$ online 

Is this a self-paced class?

Yes and no. Some of the course content is released early so students can start early. You will be able to read the Virtual Lectures during those 4 weeks before the official start date. 

But the quizzes take place ONLY during the weeks listed on the syllabus, after the official start date (ie not during the 4 weeks before)

How do I get in touch with you?

You will get a reply the fastest if you direct message me on Pronto.

You can e-mail me: milleranna@fhda.edu. Please write “NUTR 62G” in the subject of your email.  (I teach other courses and it's helpful for me know which course you're in)

And one other option: You can message me using the Canvas inbox

Don't forget that I'm available every Friday and Monday from 11 am until 1 pm during my Zoom office hours.  Not free then? I'll be happy to make an appointment to speak with you on another day and/or time.

Do I have to take Quiz 6?

If you took and you're happy with your scores on Quizzes 1-5 then no, you do not have to take Quiz 6. In that case, that score of 0 will be the score that  gets dropped. 

FYI: Not having to study for Quiz 6 can really help you out during Final Exams week :-)

What happens if I miss a Quiz?

One quiz score is dropped (the lowest of the 6) so that will be the one that is dropped. 

If you miss 2 quizzes, one score of 0 is kept and will skew your course grade downward. 

Plan to take ALL 6 quizzes, After all, each quiz is open for 1 full week.

If you wait until the last minute to take a quiz and you run into connectivity issues, you will be out of luck. 

PLAN AHEAD to take the quiz well before it closes.

A VERY Helpful Policy 

You can take each quiz (and the Orientation Quiz) twice. The higher score is the one that is kept

Are there ways I can boost my points in this class?

Yes! You can earn up to 10 Bonus Points:

Are there ways I can get an A in this class? 

YES! There are 30 "easy" points to earn -- don't overlook earning them. 

Earning 30/30 on these "easy points" will significantly improve your class standing....And not earning them can really hurt your grade.

Do I have to go on a diet for this class?

No, not at all! There is no weight loss diet or plan that  students need to be on for this class

Do I have to lose weight for this class?

Absolutely not.  Learning about the weight loss process can be accomplished without losing weight!

More questions? ASK ME!