1102 新 進 教 師 介 紹

Introducing New Faculty Members


Interdisciplinary Program of Education - Dr. Eva E Chen

Dr. Eva (Yi-tzu) Chen is joining the NTHU Interdisciplinary Program of Education this year (also affiliated with the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling). Previously, she was an associate professor in the Division of Social Science at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Her main research interests revolve around the early educational experiences and social cognitive development of pre-primary school children, focusing on the learning and socializing processes of children across different backgrounds. Having spent many years abroad, Dr. Chen is looking forward to coming home to work with new colleagues and learn with students.



Graduate Institute of Mathematics and Science Education - Dr. Yu-Ren Lin

Dr. Yu-Ren, Lin holds a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in Pingtung University, and Ph.D. from the Institute of Science Education of Kaohsiung Normal University. He was an elementary science teacher, a postdoctoral fellow in National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, an assistant professor and associate professor in Central China Normal University. He had published more than 10 research papers in SSCI journals. The Research interests included, science education, scientific argumentation, online game-based learning, etc. I look forward to teaching and learning in the college.



Graduate Institute of Mathematics and Science Education - Dr. Chia-Hui Cheng

Dr. Chia-Hui Cheng holds a master's degree and a PhD degree from National Taiwan Normal University’s Graduate Institute of Science Education. She has previously worked as a post-doctoral researcher in National Central University’s Department of Information Engineering. Her research directions are science knowledge, belief, cognition and learning, and the integration of technology into science teaching and learning. She hopes to contribute to the knowledge of science education and information education and cultivate more excellent natural science teachers for the teaching field.




/林勇吉-數理教育研究所副教授 /

「繪圖」是心理學中常見的一種技巧,他可以窺視人們心中有意識或無意識的想法。除在心理學之外,它也廣泛的應用在教育領域中,例如繪製概念圖可以呈現學生對於某一特定概念的認知。更進一步,繪圖也能夠反映出個體的信念與情緒,學者們普遍同意繪圖可以反映一個人的心智模型(mental model),這意味著認為某件事或某個現象應該是怎樣(信念),在一些研究中,也同時能觀察到繪圖者的情緒 ...(繼續閱讀)

Understanding beliefs, knowledge, and emotions of pre-service elementary school math teachers through classroom drawings

/Yung-Chi Lin - Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Mathematics and Science Education/

Drawing is a common technique used in psychology to peek into conscious or unconscious thoughts. In addition to psychology, it is also widely used in education, such as drawing a concept map to show student cognition of a certain concept. Furthermore, drawings can also reflect the beliefs and emotions of individuals. Scholars generally agree that drawings can reflect a person's mental model, which suggests his or her belief about a certain event or phenomenon...(Read More)



由張婉菁老師及實驗室成員共同經營的「工商心理實驗室」,創立於2010年2月 ,主要目的是透過研究、教學與推廣,分享組織心理與人力資源相關理論與應用。實驗室近年來研究主軸為「職場幸福學」及「職場心理健康」,議題包括工作熱情、工作心流、職場正念、自我疼惜、工作壓力及職家衝突與增益等,論文發表數十篇。研究成果如:工作熱情的雙元性及內在動機歷程、工作心流在午休和下班時能量水準之中介效果、工作時你在想什麼?...(繼續閱讀)

I/O Psychology Lab - Helping People to Be Happy and Grow

/Wan-Jing Chang - Professor, Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling /

The I/O Psychology Lab jointly operated by Professor Wan-Jing April Chang and members of the lab was established in February 2010. The main purpose is to share theories and applications of organizational psychology and human resources through research, teaching, and promotion.In recent years, the lab has focused on workplace well-being and workplace mental health research. The research topics include work enthusiasm...(Read More)





The significance of the children’s play, Love Story of the Bull

/SHU-YING LIU - Associate Professor, Department of Early Childhood Education/

/Cheng Rou - Department of Early Childhood Education/

In 2021, the theme of the children's play produced by National Tsing Hua University’s Department of Early Childhood Education is Love Story of the Bull. Based on the characters of Journey to the West, such as the Bull Demon King, Princess Iron Fan, and Red Boy, the play explores personal emotions, family relationship and friendship. Combining the plot of the play with dance and technology, the imaginative and beautiful black light theater demonstrated the features of the STEAM curriculum...(Read More)




  1. 110學年度院傑出導師獎

  • 朱思穎教授(特教系)

  • 陳美如教授(教科系)

  1. 教育與學習科技學系彭煥勝教授由中華民國師範教育學會推薦獲頒110年「中華民國教育學術團體聯合年會木鐸獎」。


  1. 教育與學習科技學系教育行政碩士在職班研究生林庭律通過110年公務人員-教育行政類高考三級。

  2. 教育與學習科技學系博士畢業生曾煥淦(指導教授:謝傳崇,論文題目:臺灣實驗教育學校轉化型課程領導之個案研究)及碩士畢業生張進昌(指導教授:謝傳崇,論文題目:校長教學領導、教師工作投入與教學創新關係之研究),榮獲中華民國學校行政研究學會2021年優秀碩博士論文獎。

  3. 教育與學習科技學系大二生簡苡丞參加教育部「110年Young飛全球行動計畫」獲二等獎(13萬元獎金)。

  4. 教育與學習科技學系博士畢業生時松升等江蘇南通大學副教授,並與凌曉俊雙獲江蘇省雙創博士人才獎項

  5. 教育心理與諮商學系在職專班系友邱彥嵐指導:曾文志教授)榮獲2021年第14屆100MVP經理人行銷創新獎

  6. 教育心理與諮商學系碩士班系友共計15位通過110年第二次諮商心理師專技高考

  7. 英語教學系大四生洪辰頡110學年度學生音樂暨鄉土歌謠比賽新竹市初賽小提琴獨奏大專A組優等。

  8. 英語教學系大四生蔡沅蓓獲110學年度國民小學素養導向雙語教學教案設計競賽師培生自然及數學領域第二名(教案名稱:Volume容積)。

  9. 英語教學系大三生朱筑安、林郁媗獲110學年度國民小學素養導向雙語教學教案設計競賽師培生自然及數學領域佳作(教案名稱:The conductivity of water solutions會導電的水溶液)。

  10. 環境與文化資源學系共五組學生入圍【5R覺醒.資收創意超展開】2021大專院校創意徵選競賽初選。https://www.facebook.com/848545415232839/posts/4542132975874046/?d=n

  11. 110年總統盃全國射箭錦標賽

      • 運動科學系杜詩葦榮獲大專女子公開組反曲弓個人對抗賽第二名。

      • 運動科學系杜詩葦、葉宸瑋榮獲大專男女混合公開組反曲弓混雙對抗賽第二名。

      • 運動科學系林詩嘉、杜詩葦、郭紫穎榮獲大專女子公開組反曲弓團體對抗賽第三名。

  12. 110全運會

      • 運動科學系林詩嘉、郭紫穎榮獲女子組射箭反曲弓團體對抗賽第二名

      • 運動科學系葉宸瑋榮獲男子組射箭反曲弓團體賽第六名

      • 運動科學系郭紫穎榮獲混合組射箭反曲弓混雙賽第二名

      • 運動科學系陳念琴榮獲女子75kg及第一名

      • 運動科學系黃于庭榮獲女子64kg級第二名

      • 運動科學系林囿榮獲男子64kg級第三名

      • 運動科學系鍾佳堯榮獲男子75kg級第三名

      • 運動科學系王澤榮獲4×200公尺自由式接力第二名、男子游泳4100公尺自由式接力第四名

      • 運動科學系蕭永淇榮獲男子組游泳50公尺自由式第四名

      • 運動科學系莊智顯、劉彥辰榮獲室內男子排球第三名

      • 運動科學系邱于庭榮獲女子組標槍(600g)第一名

      • 運動科學系吳宗倫榮獲男子標槍(800g)第三名

      • 運動科學系薛貿鴻榮獲男子鉛球(7.26Kg)第六名

      • 運動科學系曾芷葳榮獲女子鉛球(4Kg)第五名

      • 運動科學系謝加義榮獲4X100接力第三名

      • 運動科學系張洧綝榮獲男子田徑20公里競走第三名

      • 運動科學系林振國榮獲男子組田徑800公尺第七名

      • 運動科學系林暐峻榮獲男子組田徑4x100公尺接力第四名