The Adult Choir is a group of adult singers who reflect the rich choral tradition of Northminster under the leadership of our choir director, Rahn Lawton. The group sings a wide repertoire and represents the musical leadership of our Sunday morning worship. Rehearsal is on Thursday evenings.

The Junior Choir, under the direction of Donna Prikazsky, provides an excellent opportunity for children from Pre-Kindergarten through 6th grade to learn how to worship and glorify God through the gift of music. They rehearse after Sunday School for about 20 minutes each week. Since some of the children can’t read, they learn the words through repetition, hand motions, and pictures. The children perform on a regular basis in worship as well as on special occasions.

Our Youth Choir, under the direction of Greta Myers, provides an opportunity for our middle school and high school youth to share and develop their music talents in worship and in glorifying God.