
We guarantee all our services!

If for any reason you are unhappy with our service, let us know and we will come back and make it right.

FALL Services

Sprinkler Turn Off - We begin sprinkler turn off the beginning of October.

We bring a large compressor and blow out each zone to winterize the system to prevent freeze damage.

  • If your system is not winterized correctly, the pressure vacuum breaker could rupture over the winter.

  • Repairs for the breaker can be anywhere from $55 and up depending on the damage.

  • When it is damaged, water can shoot up in the air and on the side of your house. If you are not home, this has been known to flood basements and wash away landscaping.

The cost is minimal to winterize your system in comparison to the possible damage it could cause if it breaks.

SPRING Services

Aeration - This is a process where we use a machine to pull plugs out of your yard to increase circulation to the roots of the grass. The depth of the plug depends on the moisture in your yard. If your yard is nice and moist, the machine tines will sink deeper giving you a deeper plug.

  • Mark center sprinkler heads so we do not hit them with the aerator. Any sprinkler repairs caused from the lack of marking heads will not be the responsibility of North Metro Lawn Care.

    • Fertilization - We use more of a natural product for fertilization. In the spring it is a spring time stimulant to give the grass the nutrients it needs to start growing again. Mid-summer we reapply to help with the heat of the summer. Then beginning mid-September we apply a winter fertilizer that has time released agents to give your yard nutrients in the beginning of the winter when it is cold.

  • Spring Clean Up - This includes leaf clean-up in your yard, as well as your flower beds and rock areas. If you would like, we can also trim up your small trees and shrubs. All of our bids include removal of debris and dump fees.

  • Sprinkler Turn On - This includes activating the sprinkler system and running through each zone to make sure it is working properly. We will adjust all sprinkler heads so they are watering the yard and not the sidewalks and fence. We will set your sprinkler clock according to watering days and length that you wish.

  • Sprinkler Repair - We repair and replace pressure vacuum breakers. We adjust, repair and replace sprinkler heads. We fix drip systems and add to them as needed. We repair leaks, fix sprinkler timers, repair and replace valves. We use all commercial grade parts and guarantee all of our work for 1 year.

WEEKLY Lawn Care

A beautiful lawn doesn't happen by itself.

  • Mowing - We use commercial grade 4-cycle Toro mulching lawn mowers that are unsurpassed for their quality of cut.

  • Edging - Your lawn will be edged the first cut in the spring and then will be edged with an 8" steel blade as needed.

  • String Trimming - We string trim around your borders, fences, trees and obstacles in your lawn.

  • Blowing - We blow sidewalks and other concrete areas clear of clippings upon completion.

  • Clippings - All grass clippings will be caught and removed from your property. If at any time you would like the yard mulched, please give us 48 hours notice.