
Photo from Google Maps

Fort Stark Activation, Portsmouth NH

Nashua River, Fall 2019

W1YTT & N1KRB - Nashua, NH

Winter 2019

W1YTT & KB1EEU - December 2019, Milford

Aux. OPerating Site

New England QSO Party, 2020

The Great NJ Skeeter Hunt-

August 15 2021 @ Silver Lake Park NH

WE entered the Great NJ Skeeter Hunt knowing that our Home Grown Black Flies could take a Jersey Skeeter any day. But that is another story for another day.

The Skeeter Hunt is a short 4 hour contest and restricted to QRP power. SSB @10w, CW@ 5 w. Unbeknownst to us, most of the other ops were CW ops. Luckily we had 1.5 CW ops.

Setup was at Sliver Lake Park in Hollis NH. Main antenna was a QRP Guys EFHW to the Sacred Holy Triplexer for 20/40/& 80 ops. Rigs were 2-KX/PX3's, a FT-817 and a G-90.

During the morning after setup some of us played POTA with some good results. Unfortunately once the contest began at 1300 EDT the band gods were looking the other way. Even when we chased we were not very successful. Total Skeeter QSO's for the day were 5. BUT never the less we learned more about out Field Operations and the equipment we use. Plus it was a beautiful day.

Our NE1FO ops for the day were

W1YTT- Pat

N1KRB- Randall

K1OKD- Jerry


KB1EEU- John & Co.