Mrs. Jeanette Cunningham

Greetings NMS students, parents, faculty and community members,


I am excited and honored to be joining the NMS family!  This will be my second year in the role of School Counselor.  I come to NMS with 13 years of experience working as a mental health counselor and behavior specialist within school systems.  As your school counselor I will be committed to helping all students achieve their full potential in academic, social and emotional, and career development areas.  My primary grade assignments are 6th grade and 7th grade last names ending K – Z however our school counseling team is here to support all students regardless of their assignments. 


My goal for this school year is to develop relationships with all partners of NMS.  I am invested in supporting not only students but their families as well.  It is my belief that developing healthy and supportive relationships is the most effective way to empower student success.  I’m looking forward to the upcoming school year and I can’t wait to see what our NMS family can achieve!! 

“Not all those that wander are lost.”


-J.R.R. Tolkien