Ongoing Projects

Integrated strategic performance management system (Ispms)

Project Description: This project is to develop an online and integrated Strategic Performance management System which will  integrate the SPMS process from Perfomane planning to performance review and evaluation. This will also incorporate the  SPMS rating scale  the OPCR, DPCR and IPCR.

The Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) is a mechanism that links employee performance with organizational performance to enhance the performance orientation of the compensation system. It ensures that the employee achieves the objectives set by the organization and the organization, on the other hand, achieves the objectives that it has set as its strategic plan.

The SPMS Objectives are: (a) to concretize the linkage of organizational performance with the Philippine Development Plan, Agency Strategic Plan, and Organizational Performance Indicator Framework OPIF; (b) to ensure organizational and individual effectiveness by cascading institutional accountabilities to the various levels of the organization; and (c) to link performance management with other HR systems.

Current Status: Project Inititiation

Expected Completion Date: 4th Quarter (FY 2023)

Reference: CSC Website

Online data entry system - service transaction description report

Project Description: This project is to develop an online data entry system for daily service transactions, including the generation of the Daily STDR (Service Transaction Daily Report) based on respective calculation of the ante-mortem (AM) and post-mortem (PM) fee rates:

Current Status:  Development Stage, started March 2023

Expected Completion Date: 2nd Quarter FY 2023, April 2023

Meat importer licensing portal (milp)

Project Description: This project is the development of the system for application of License to Import (LTI) as Meat Importers. It includes the process of registration,  evaluation, verification of technical and documentary requirements  to ensure compliance to the regualrory requirements.

Current Status: System was completed based on the initial process. presented to the MIED/ MIES. Incorporating 

Expected Completion Date: January 2023

enhanced aiplirs

Project Description: 

Current Status:  The project is in the development stage.

Expected Completion: Date: 2nd Semester 2023

active directory implementation

Project Description: indows 11 new operating system has been announced by Microsoft with an end of life date for Windows 10 on 14 October 2025. This project will include the upgrading of Windows 10 devices to Windows 11 in place for our agency partners. 

Current Status:  All the agencies have received the corresponding communication to start planning and organizing the corresponding upgrade. Upgrades for agency Early Adopters Groups are underway currently. 

Expected Completion: Date: December 2025

WINDOWS upgrades

Project Description: Windows 11 new operating system has been announced by Microsoft with an end of life date for Windows 10 on 14 October 2025. This project will include the upgrading of Windows 10 devices to Windows 11 in place for our agency partners. 

Current Status:  All the agencies have received the corresponding communication to start planning and organizing the corresponding upgrade. Upgrades for agency Early Adopters Groups are underway currently. 

Expected Completion: Date: 3rd Quarter, 2025

NARIS system patches

Project Description: NMIS, Accreditation and Registration Information System, online application system  for the issuance of license to operate for meat establishments such as slaughterhouses, poultry dressing plants,  meat cutting plants, and cold storages and warehouse. NMIS ICT assisted with the implementation of a vendor developed application. ICT assists to discover and deploy patches based on the vendors update. 

Current Status:  System currently needs enhancement based on the end-user's review. 

Expected Completion: Date: 


Project Description:  

Current Status: 

Expected Completion: Date:  June 2023