Highlights and Accomplishments

ICT Functions

Core Functions:

  • Develop and implement efficient IT system (DA DC. No.01 S2014 Ch.2Sec.7.14.6)

Key Areas

  • ICT Planning, Policy and Standards - Assists and Formulates ICT plans, policies, and operating standards and guidelines that will provide the overall guidance and direction in the implementation of ICT activities. Data Management /ISSP /Digital Transformation Roadmap

  • ICT Service Management - Responsible for the resolution of the day to day ICT request (IT Service Catalogue) from NMIS central office and RTOC clients; conducts the corrective and preventive maintenance in all NMIS Offices

  • Systems and Application Development - Develops and maintains application system needed by the department and its agencies in support to programs/project development/ operations and management .Database

  • Network and Systems Operations - Operation and management of the ICT infrastructure/facilities covering the Wide Area Network (WAN) and Local Area Network (LAN). Cyber Security/ Govmail. IP/VPN


  • Reviewed, updated and submitted the ISSP by the end of the 1st semester.

  • Proposed and submitted (1) ICT Guideline/ Policy/Project/ Activity/ Memo before June 2023

  • Submitted ICT monthly accomplishments to PIMD on the 5th day of the succeeding month

  • Prepared and Submitted Activity Reports of ICT activities/ maintenance/ incidents/ outages 3 working days after resolution of issues

  • Renewed Software/ Licenses by the end of the semester

by the numbers

fy 2022 - ict highlights

  • Implemented and updated the Computer Policy to serve as the office NMIS guidelines applied by NMIS which must be adhered to by employees utilizing and managing the ICT facilities in all NMIS Offices.

  • Conducted the Review of Internal and External Process last May 26, 2021 in preparation for the digital transformation of processes. The purpose of this exercise was to review the internal and external business processes of the organization as well as their functional breakdown structure and process requirement map, or SIPOC.

  • Enhanced and Established the Resource Reservation System to provide a single point of contact (SPOC) that manages and schedules office resources.

  • Conducted Corrective and Preventive Maintenance in the NMIS Central Office and the Regional Technical Office in the last quarter of the FY 2021. The objective of this activity is to optimize and improve the use of Information Technology resources used in delivering efficient NMIS stakeholders.

  • Completed and executed quarterly security patches and firewall firmware updates to guarantee that the NMIS internal network has the most up-to-date security and management tools.

  • Resolved and fulfilled day-to-day- ICT service requests from the Service Desk System including those for application and installation support, content management (posting to websites and social media), design and layout, hardware support, login and access, network and connectivity, procurement and canvassing, and resource setup. ICT service request management is vital for business operations because it maintains productivity and efficiency, ensures the least amount of delay and disruption to operations, lessens the daily workload for IT staff, reduces the effects or risks of using services and processes that are broken or ineffective, and improves client satisfaction and service delivery.

  • Assisted in the design and process assessment of information systems projects such the Automated In-plant Reporting Information Systems, Meat Import Licensing Portal, and the Document Tracking System.

  • On-boarded and trained two (2) new contracts of service (COS) staff - Computer Maintenance Technology and Computer Programer I to help meet the increasing demand for ICT services in the areas of systems development and technical support.

fy 2021 - ict highlights

  • Implemented and updated the Computer Policy to serve as the office NMIS guidelines applied by NMIS which must be adhered to by employees utilizing and managing the ICT facilities in all NMIS Offices.

  • Conducted the Review of Internal and External Process last May 26, 2021 in preparation for the digital transformation of processes. The purpose of this exercise was to review the internal and external business processes of the organization as well as their functional breakdown structure and process requirement map, or SIPOC.

  • Enhanced and Established the Resource Reservation System to provide a single point of contact (SPOC) that manages and schedules office resources.

  • Conducted Corrective and Preventive Maintenance in the NMIS Central Office and the Regional Technical Office in the last quarter of the FY 2021. The objective of this activity is to optimize and improve the use of Information Technology resources used in delivering efficient NMIS stakeholders.

  • Completed and executed quarterly security patches and firewall firmware updates to guarantee that the NMIS internal network has the most up-to-date security and management tools.

  • Resolved and fulfilled day-to-day- ICT service requests from the Service Desk System including those for application and installation support, content management (posting to websites and social media), design and layout, hardware support, login and access, network and connectivity, procurement and canvassing, and resource setup. ICT service request management is vital for business operations because it maintains productivity and efficiency, ensures the least amount of delay and disruption to operations, lessens the daily workload for IT staff, reduces the effects or risks of using services and processes that are broken or ineffective, and improves client satisfaction and service delivery.

  • Assisted in the design and process assessment of information systems projects such the Automated In-plant Reporting Information Systems, Meat Import Licensing Portal, and the Document Tracking System.

  • On-boarded and trained two (2) new contracts of service (COS) staff - Computer Maintenance Technology and Computer Programer I to help meet the increasing demand for ICT services in the areas of systems development and technical support.