Corgoň's legend


V kronike dejín Nitry sa v prítmí šepká príbeh o časoch, keď hrozilo, že turko - osmanské vpády pohltia celé mesto.

Uprostred vojnového chaosu nestáli ako strážcovia šľachtici ani duchovní, ale postava zahalená tmou: Corgoň, upír z rodu Brujahov s obrovskou silou a odhodlaním.

Keď vojská Banu Haqim obliehali Nitru, hrad pevne odolával ich náporu. Rieka pôsobila ako prirodzená bariéra, zatiaľ čo obrana mesta odolávala neúnavným útokom útočníkov. Keď však ulice pohltili plamene a obyvateľstvo zachvátila panika, bol to práve Corgoň, kto vystúpil z tieňa, aby čelil hrozbe.

Kedysi skromný kováč Corgoň teraz ovládal svoju nadprirodzenú silu so zúrivosťou, ktorá sa zrodila počas stáročí jeho existencie. S hradnými múrmi ako pevnosťou a nocou ako plášťom spustil príval hnevu na sily Banu Haqim, ktoré sa pokúšali prelomiť obranu mesta.

Corgoňove údery niesli váhu stáročného rozhorčenia, keď s ľahkosťou odvracal útočníkov. Keď sa obliehatelia pokúsili prekonať hradby, nestretli sa s oceľou rytierov, ale s nezlomnou silou upíra Brujaha hnaného spravodlivým hnevom.

Ako sa noc predlžovala, Corgoňov vzdor dosiahol svoj zenit. S revom, ktorý sa ozýval temnotou, spustil na útočníkov všetku svoju silu a v šialenom ničení vrhal cez hradby všetko, čo mu prišlo pod ruku.

Banu Haqim, zaskočení krutosťou svojho nepriateľa, ochabli vo svojom útoku. Uvedomili si, že Nitra je príliš dobre chránená na to, aby ju dobyli, a pod rúškom noci sa stiahli a hľadali ľahšiu korisť inde.

Po obliehaní bola postavená socha na počesť Corgoňa, upíra Brujaha, ktorého sila a odhodlanie zachránili mesto pred istou záhubou. Jeho legenda mala pretrvať celé stáročia ako svedectvo o nezlomnom duchu Nitry.

Keď nad Nitrou svitlo, Corgoň opäť zmizol v tieni a zanechal za sebou len šepot. Jeho hrdinstvo bolo zvečnené v soche, ktorá stála medzi kňazským seminárom a kanonickým domom. Niektorí to odmietali ako náhodu, iní si šepkali o hlbších súvislostiach. Socha slúžila ako pripomienka krehkej rovnováhy medzi svetlom a temnotou v dejinách Nitry. Strážila mesto očami, ktoré akoby sledovali samotný čas. Hoci jeho legenda mohla vyblednúť, jeho činy zostali vyryté do kameňa.

English :
The chronicle of Nitra's history whispers in the darkness about the times when the Turkish-Ottoman invasions threatened to engulf the whole town.

In the midst of the chaos of war, it was not nobles or clerics who stood as guardians, but a figure shrouded in darkness: the Corgon, a vampire of the Brujah family with immense strength and determination.

When the armies of Banu Haqim besieged Nitra, the castle stood firm against their onslaught. The river acted as a natural barrier while the city's defenses withstood the relentless attacks of the invaders. But when the streets were engulfed in flames and panic gripped the population, it was the Corgon who stepped out of the shadows to face the threat.

Once a humble blacksmith, Corgon now wielded his supernatural power with a ferocity born of centuries of existence. With the castle walls as his fortress and the night as his cloak, he unleashed a torrent of fury upon the forces of Banu Haqim that attempted to breach the city's defenses.

The corgon's blows bore the weight of centuries of indignation as he parried the invaders with ease. When the besiegers attempted to breach the walls, they met not the steel of the knights, but the unbreakable strength of the vampire Brujah, driven by righteous anger.

As the night lengthened, Corgon's defiance reached its zenith. With a roar that echoed through the darkness, he unleashed all his might upon his attackers, hurling everything he could get his hands on over the walls in a frenzy of destruction.

The Banu Haqim, taken aback by the ferocity of their enemy, grew slack in their attack. They realized that Nitra was too well defended to be conquered, and under cover of night they withdrew, seeking easier prey elsewhere.

After the siege, a statue was erected in honour of Corgon, the vampire Brujah, whose strength and determination saved the city from certain doom. His legend was to endure for centuries as a testament to the indomitable spirit of Nitra and the watchfulness of those who dwell in the shadows.

When dawn broke over Nitra, Corgon disappeared into the shadows once more, leaving behind only a whisper. His heroism was immortalized in a statue that stood between the seminary and the canon's house. Some dismissed it as a coincidence, others whispered of deeper connections. The statue served as a reminder of the delicate balance between light and dark in Nitra's history. It guarded the city with eyes that seemed to watch time itself. Though his legend may have faded, his deeds remained etched in stone.