Conflict in the game

Nitra je Camarillska doména s princom Victorom Fairfaxom,

V Nitre sa rozšírili 2 kulty, ktoré sú aj reprezentovane v sekte Camarilla jeden z nich je Bahari a druhý sú Church of Caine. Tieto Kulty majú protichodnú filozofiu a motivácie

Church of Caine 

Známy aj ako Gnostici veria že Biblia bola napísaná pre nich a že Caine je Anjelom pomsty a jeho deti teda Vampiri sú jeho užitoční pomocníci a odmietajú predstavu že sú nejakým spôsobom prekliaty ale skôr vyvolený a majú za úlohu očistiť túto zem o pekelníkov.

Veľmi silná štruktúra ktore je jasne definovaná.


Sú nasledovníci Lilith, tajomnej legendárnej postavy (známa aj ako Temná Matka).

Veria, že bola schopná urobí z Edenu tú najlepšiu záhradu, keby nebolo Adama a Boha.

Princípy, ktoré predstavujú jej učenie sú nádej, obnovu a utrpenie.

Bahari nemajú vnútorný kruh ani vyššie velenie. Spolupracujú so systémom buniek a manipulujú svojich nových rekturov, aby sa dopustili násilia voči Kainitom. Hoci nemajú centrálne velenie.

Nasledovníci Lilith veria, že musia rebelovať a bojovať voči svojmu prekliatiu, čo ide v rozpore proti Church of Caine.

Keďže Jana Andraszi bývalá hlavná predstaviteľka viery z klanu Tzimisce zmizla a nikto nevie kde je.

Princ sa rozhodol že sa bude hľadať jeho nasledovník, a zvolal Elysium kde sa rozhodne ku koncu noci kto bude ďalší hlavný predstaviteľ. S tým že Princ pozval všetkých rodných v meste pozval aj nezávislých aj Anarchsku čvargu (minimálne v jeho očiach) aby sa urovnali vzťahy a nadišla nejaká komunikácia medzi sektami.

Do tohto sú zamotané vaše osobné ciele, ambície, nevyriešené problémy a vaše osobné príbehy kde to môžete nejak po riešiť a ovplyvniť.

viac info v : Vlarp Rules 2.01 

ENG : 

Nitra is a Camarilla domain with Prince Victor Fairfax,

In Nitra 2 cults have spread which are also represented in the Camarilla sect one of them is the Bahari and the other one is the Church of Caine. These cults have opposing philosophies and motivations

Church of Caine

Also known as Gnostics they believe that the Bible was written for them and that Cain is an Angel of Vengeance and his children i.e. Vampires are his useful helpers and they reject the idea that they are somehow cursed but rather chosen and have the task of cleansing this earth of the hellions.

A very strong structure which is clearly defined.


They are followers of Lilith, a mysterious legendary figure (also known as the Dark Mother)

They believe that she was able to make Eden the best garden it could have been if it weren't for Adam and God.

The principles that represent her teachings are hope, renewal, and suffering.

The Bahari do not have an inner circle or a higher command. They work with the cell system and manipulate their new rectors to commit violence against the Cainites. Although they have no central command.

The followers of Lilith believe they must rebel and fight their curse which goes against the Church of Caine.

Jana Andraszi, the former head of the faith from the Tzimisce clan has disappeared and no one knows where she is.

The Prince has decided that his successor will be sought, and has called an Elysium where it will be decided towards the end of the night who will be the next head. With that said, the Prince has invited all the natives in the city and has invited both the Independents and the Anarch Scum(at least in his eyes) so that relations can be mended and some communication between the sects can take place.

Entangled in this are your personal goals, ambitions, unresolved issues and your personal stories where you can somehow sort it out and influence it.

More info : Vlarp rules 2.01