Hannaford Helps

Post date: Oct 14, 2016 2:17:45 PM

We just got the news that Hannaford supermarket has chosen us to be the November recipient of the Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag Program! This means that during the month of November Nifty Thrifty gets $1 for every blue "Hannaford Helps" reusable bag they sell at the Brandon Hannaford location. So, in November, when you start doing your holiday grocery shopping at the Brandon Hannaford and you need extra bags to carry all the Thanksgiving goodies you are buying, reach for the blue bags with the good karma message on them. They cost $2.50, and they are sturdy and reusable, and Nifty Thrifty will receive $1 for every blue bag purchased.

We have a darling, white bassinet for sale. It has a mosquito net that is a really handy accessory in warm weather. We also have a white infant crib that seems to be designed to hang like a swing. Our Fall inventory

is filling the racks. We have a lot of Halloween merchandise (decorations, costumes, etc) so come in often as the seasons change in the thrift shop.

Volunteers open the shop from 10:00 to 2:00 Monday - Saturday, and also on Tuesday and Thursday 4:00 to 6:00 until Daylight Saving Time ends on November 6th. We are located in the brick building across Union Street

from Rite Aid in Brandon.