A Nifty Birthday!

Post date: Feb 14, 2015 4:21:23 PM

In March Nifty Thrifty will have been open for business for 40 years!! Is there any other business in town that can claim that distinction? Even the Bank has changed hands and changed their name.

In 1995 the Brandon Thrift Shop Steering Committee wrote and posted "The Nifty Thrifty exists in order to offer clothing and household items at very reasonable prices, and cordially invites all residents to profit and support this important community project." Forty years later our mission is pretty much the same. And amazingly our prices are pretty much the same too!

We are located across Union Street from Rite Aid in the Ayrshire Building because of the continued support of Ben Lawton and Sue Hayden. We are open Monday - Saturday from 10:00 -2:00 because of the dedicated support of our hardworking Volunteers. We give away thousands of dollars to further the education of our community's young people because of the generous support of your donations and shopping loyalty. Because of the constant support of our local publication Nifty Thrifty News can be read weekly in the Brandon Pittsford Reporter. And we have this webpage because of the kind support of our web-master; Kelly Connaughton.

Forty years and counting!