You can find a PDF of my entire CV here 

Academic Appointments

since 04/2024 School executive board member, faculty of humanities, Osnabrück University

since 12/2022-04/2024 Board member and Vice Director, Institute of Cognitive Science, Osnabrück University

since 06/2022 Professor for Psycholinguistics/Neurolinguistics and Pragmatics, Institute of Cognitive Science, Osnabrück University

01/2021-09/2022 Emmy Noether group leader and director of SPA Lab at the University of Potsdam

since 09/2019 Honorary fellow at UCL, London

since 01/2019 Associated researcher at School of Communication and Media, Ulster University, Belfast

10/2018-12/2020 Postdoc at Leibniz Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS) Berlin, Project SIGames II

04/18-09/18 Visiting professor ('Vertretungsprofessur') General Linguistics (Pragmatics, Text and Discourse) at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institute for German Language and Linguistics

since 10/14 Postdoc at Leibniz Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS) Berlin, (SPP 1272) Project “Experimental game theory and scalar implicatures” (SIGames), on parental leave from 05/16-05/2017

10/11-09/14 Research fellow at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Project “Effects of linguistic and non-linguistic context information on the usage of information-structural alternatives”, Collaborative Research Centre 632 “Information Structure”

04/11-09/11 Research fellow at ZAS Berlin 

ESF EuroCores Project “Vagueness, Approximation and Granularity” (VAAG)


10/11-01/15 PhD in Linguistics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Thesis title ‘Establishing alternative sets’ (summa cum laude)

10/08-01/11 M.A. in Linguistics, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

10/05-07/08 B.A. in French and English, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Scholarly visits

08/24 UC Irvine, DFG International  collaboration grant on the role of loopholes in polite communication

06/22-07/22 USC and UC Irvine

03/18 Research stay at Stanford University, California, DFG short term collaboration grant (, 

Hosts: Prof. Noah Goodman and Prof. Judith Degen

02/14-04/14 Visiting scholar at Macquarie University, Sydney (ARC Center for Cognition and its Disorders), Scholarship by German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Advisor: Prof. Stephen Crain

Awards and fellowships (selected)

05/22 Heinz Maier Leibnitz Prize, most important award for early career researchers in Germany, DFG

Since 09/19 Honorary fellow at UCL, London

10/19 Elected as Young Leader representing the Leibniz association at the Science and Technology in Society 2019 forum in Osaka, Japan 

01/19-12/20 Post-doctoral fellow in Leibniz Mentoring program for Highly Qualified Female Researchers on Their Way to a Leading Position or Professorship

7/15-7/16 Post-doctoral fellow at SIAS Summer Institute “The Investigation of Linguistic Meaning: In the Armchair, in the Field, and in the Lab”, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Humanities Center

02/14 DAAD scholarship for 3 months research stay at the Center for Cognition and its Disorders (language acquisition), Macquarie University

Third-party funding

Project grants

2023-2024 DFG-funded international collaboration grant with Prof. Gregory Scontras, UC Irvine

2022-2025 PI in DFG-funded graduate school on Computational Cognition

2021-2027 Emmy Noether research group “Scales in language processing and acquisition: Semantic and pragmatic contributions to implicature computation”, DFG (~1.4 Million Euros), Associated with Collaborative Research Center “Limits of Variability”, University of Potsdam

2018-2020 Short term collaboration project grant “Free choice, inclusion and redundant material”, collaboration with Jacopo Romoli (Ulster) and Paolo Santorio (UCSD), DFG (

2018-2020 Short term collaboration project grant “Predicting scalar diversity in a Bayesian model of pragmatic inference with lexical uncertainty”, collaboration with Richard Breheny (UCL), Chao Sun (ZAS) and Anton Benz (ZAS), DFG (

2014-2020 Two co-written project grants (“Sachbeihilfe”) “SIGames I: Experimental game theory and scalar implicatures” and “SIGames II: Investigating variation in context and scale type”, PI: Anton Benz, DFG (

2015-2018 Short term collaboration project grant “The Impact of the Question Under Discussion (QUD) on embedded implicatures”, collaboration with Noah Goodman and Judith Degen (Stanford), research stay at Stanford University in March 2018, DFG (

Competitive workshop funding

03/20 Workshop grant “Variability in pragmatic inferences: Implications for the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface” AG at DGfS Meeting, Hamburg, 4.3.2020-6.3.2020, together with Napoleon Katsos, Bob van Tiel and Anton Benz, DFG ( 

05/19 Workshop grant “The semantics and pragmatics of gradable adjectives: integrating perspectives from linguistic theory, psycholinguistics and modeling”, 23.5.-24.5.2019, together with Stephanie Solt, Anton Benz, Barbara Tomaszewicz and Petra Schumacher, Cologne, DFG (

05/16 Workshop grant “Rationality, probability and pragmatics”, together with Anton Benz, Michael Franke, Uli Sauerland and Niki Pfeiffer, DFG (

06/16 Workshop grant “Disjunction Days: Theoretical and experimental perspectives on disjunction”, together with Uli Sauerland and Maribel Romero, DFG (

07/15 Workshop grant “Formal and experimental pragmatics: Methodological issues of a nascent liaison”, together with Anton Benz, Judith Degen, Michael Franke and Anthea Schoeller, DFG (