About the Lab

We are an interdisciplinary research group which combines work in formal semantics and pragmatics, psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics, psychology and philosophy. We do theoretical, experimental and modeling work on linguistic meaning and language use.

Currently SPA Lab participates in three main projects besides external collaborations:

What do we study?

How do people infer meanings that go beyond what is literally encoded? What are the involved linguistic, pragmatic and cognitive mechanisms and how do children acquire language, meaning and concepts? At SPA Lab, we address these questions using a variety of experimental techniques as well as theoretical and computational modeling tools. We work with adults, children, clinical populations and data from corpora (e.g., negotiation situations). The topics we work on include but are not limited to the following: pragmatic inferences, irony, politeness, adjective meaning, scales, degrees, numerals, negation, modality, information structure, miscommunication and dialog.

Which research methods do we use?

Team members

For more information about our team, please visit our lab website

Lab head

Prof. Dr. Nicole Gotzner

Personal assistant

Julia Reuter


Dr. Morwenna Hoeks

Dr. Elli Tourtouri

PhD students

Radim Lacina

Charlotte Uhlemann

Kristina Kobrock

Florian Mehlhase (University of Potsdam, primary advisor: Prof. Uta Herbst)

Lab managers

Zeynep Bolluk

Elisa Percolla

Research assistants

Charlotte Uhlemann

Maria Stella Vila Avilla

Berit Reise 

Daria Ilyuchik

Ilva Hovemann

Felix Japtok


Regilla Bastian

Sila Selvi Capar

SPA Alumni

Dr. Stavroula Alexandropoulou, now postdoc at UCL

Dr. Chao Sun, now assistant professor at Beijing University

Ella Markham, now PhD student at Edinburgh University

Henrik Discher, now PhD student at Freie Universität Berlin

Marisha Herb, now Master's student at University of Potsdam

Veronika Hentze, now Master's student at University of Potsdam

Group photo 2022 (c) Simone Reukauf