
Administrative appointments

School executive board member, faculty of humanities and deputy board member at Osnabrück University since April 2024

Board member and Director of Personnel at the Institute of Cognitive Science at Osnabrück University since December 2022-April 2024

Leading member of program committee at DGfS 2022 (elected by members of the society with the most votes)

Board member of Cognitive Sciences (UKSW) Paper of the month award at University of Potsdam 2021-2022

Equal opportunity officer (‘Vertretende Gleichstellungsbeauftragte‘) at ZAS, 2019-2020

Board member for mentoring program at ZAS, 2019-2020

Editorial work

Editor in chief for Palgrave Studies in Pragmatics, Language and Cognition (Palgrave MacMillan) since January 2021

Editorial board of Glossa: Psycholinguistics since February 2021 

Ad-hoc Reviewing for funding agencies


Ad-hoc Reviewing for journals and publishers

Cambridge Elements, Oxford University Press, Cognition, Cognitive Science, Semantics and Pragmatics, Journal of Semantics, Language and Linguistics Compass, Journal of Phonetics, JASA, Glossa, Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, Philosophical Psychology, Language and Speech, PLOS One, Wiley

Ad-hoc Reviewing for scientific meetings

AMLaP, CUNY, Cognitive Science Society, SALT, Amsterdam Colloquium, Sinn und Bedeutung, XPRAG (Biennual Conference),, ELM, NELS, DETEC, EXPGRAD 2015, XPRAG-ADJ19, ESLP/AttLis 2019, ESPP, Gala

Organization of scientific meetings

Workshop on "The role of loopholes in communication", 29.9.-30.9.2023, Osnabrück University

Cognitive Science Lightning talk series, recurring event since summer term 2023, Osnabrück University

Workshop on “Scales, degrees and implicature”, 26.5.-28.5.2021, Potsdam University

“XPRAG Wine Series”, international monthly Zoom series, since December 2020

“Introduction to Bayesian Inference” held by T. Roettger, 25.2.2020, ZAS

Monthly statistics colloquium, 2019-2021, ZAS

“Diversity in pragmatic inferences: Experimental data, computational models, and the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface”, 4.3.-6.3.2020, annual meeting of DGfS, Hamburg

“The semantics and pragmatics of gradable adjectives: Integrating perspectives from linguistic theory, psycholinguistics and modeling”, 23.5.-24.5.2019, Cologne

“Disjunction Days: Theoretical and experimental perspective on disjunction”, 1.6.-2.6.2016, ZAS

“Rationality, probability and pragmatics”, 25.05.-27.05.2016, ZAS

“Formal and experimental pragmatics: Methodological issues of a nascent liaison”, 16.-3.6-2015 (, ZAS

2nd Psycholinguistic methods workshop, 27.2.-29.2.2011, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin