Recent updates & news
[Book] Charroin, L., Jacquemet N., L’Haridon O. (2024). Précis d'économie comportementale. Pearson.
[Publications] Zickfeld, J. et. al. I Solemnly Swear I’m Up To Good: A Megastudy Investigating the Effectiveness of Honesty Oaths on Curbing Dishonesty, Nature Human Behavior, forthcoming.
[Publications] Gabuthy, Y., Jacquemet N., L'Haridon O. (2024). L’économie comportementale murmure à l’oreille du juriste. Revue Française d'Economie, Vol. XXXIX(1), pp. 17-42
[Policy Briefs] Comprendre les comportements pour élaborer des politiques publiques efficaces, Action Publique – Recherche et Pratiques, n°21, juin 2024.
[Work in progress] Jacquemet N., Luchini S., Shogren J.F., Zylbersztejn A. Commitment to the truth creates trust in market exchange: Experimental evidence, revised in July 2024.
[Publications] Goussé M., Jacquemet N., Robin J-M. (2024). Goussé M., Jacquemet N., Robin J-M. De quoi l'homogamie économique est-il le signe ? Une application à l'Allemagne de l'ouest. Revue Economique, Vol 51(1), pp. 177-209.
[Work in progress] Jacquemet N., Luchini S., Shogren J.F., Watson V. Discrete Choice under Oaths, revised in january 2024.
[Publications] Galbiati R., Henry E., Jacquemet N. Learning to Cooperate in the Shadow of the Law, Journal of the Economic Science Association, forthcoming.
Welcome. My research work deals with applied microeconomics and, even more imprecisely, with the empirical content of incentives and game theory. Empirical refers here to both experimental methods and econometrics on observational data.
Note: I’m neither an “econometrician” nor an “experimentalist” (but, anyway, I don’t think I would put my health in the hands of a doctor who claims to be a “stethoscopist”). The results from my work have applications in, e.g., labor economics, environmental economics, political economics, law and economics. The representative works below will give you a quick overview of my main area of research.
Les lecteurs francophones trouveront des articles de recherche en français, destinés à un lectorat plus large, sur cette page, ainsi qu'un certain nombre d'articles de presse ici.
CV [in english] / [en français]
+ 33 (0) 1 44 07 83 66
Current positions
Full Professor (Chaire associée), Paris School of Economics (since 2018).
Full Professor (Professeur des universités), Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (since 2015).
Research fellow at Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne (since 2015).
Current services
Opening Economics Chair, PSE-Hermès, "An integrated approach of economic decisions" project (PI with JM. Tallon), since 2021.
PLoS ONE (academic editor), since 2021.
PSE council of the department (elected member), since 2019.
Theory and Decision (advisory editor), since 2018.
French Association of Experimental Economics (Former president), 2022-2024.
PSE Institutional Review Board (nominated member) since 2016.
Master in Economics and Psychology (head of the master), since 2015.
Representative works
[Publications] Fortin B., Jacquemet N., Shearer B. (2021). Labour Supply, Service Intensity and Contract Choice: Theory and Evidence on Physicians, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Vol. 36 (6), pp. 686-702.
[Publications] Galbiati R., Henry E., Jacquemet N., Lobeck M. (2021). How Laws Affect the Perception of Norms: Empirical Evidence from the Lockdown. PloS ONE, Vol. 16(9), e0256624.
[Policy Briefs] Discrimination à l'embauche des personnes d’origine supposée maghrébine: quels enseignements d'une grande étude par testing? Note IPP n°76 / Dares Analyses n°67, novembre 2021 / Discrimination in hiring people of supposedly North African origin: What lessons from a large-scale correspondence test? IPP Policy Brief n°76, november 2021.
[Publications] Jacquemet N., Luchini S., Rosaz J., Shogren J.F. (2019). Truth-Telling under Oath. Management Science, Vol. 65 (1), pp. 426-438.
[Publications] Galbiati R., Henry E., Jacquemet N. (2018). Dynamic effects of enforcement on cooperation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 115 (49), pp. 12425-12428.
[Book] Jacquemet N., L’Haridon O. (2018). Experimental Economics: Method and Applications. Cambridge University Press.
[Publications] Goussé, M., Jacquemet N., Robin J-M. (2017). Marriage, Labor Supply, and Home Production. Econometrica, Vol. 85 (6), pp. 1873-1919.
[Publications] Hergueux J., Jacquemet N. (2015). Social Preferences in the online laboratory: A randomized Experiment. Experimental Economics, Vol. 18(2), pp. 252-283.
[Publications] Jacquemet N., Koessler F. (2013). Using or Hiding Private Information? An Experimental Study of Zero-Sum Repeated Games with Incomplete Information. Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 78(1), pp. 103-120.