
Why everything is the way it is? Why Light is two-faced? What is Energy? Why Galaxies behave oddly? 

What triggered the structure formation in the early universe? How come gravity is an attractive force, an action at a distance, a manifestation of spacetime curvature, a field on four dimensions, a 4d Riemannian malifold? Why does it change its face at low accelerations? 

What do I love the most about Astronomy and Astrophysics? It is the Mathematical representation of the Physical phenomena! Basically, equations can tell you everything!

I enjoy the classical derivation of Christofell symbols for a FLRW metric, the Wave equation of a growing instability in a Stellar system and ... (of course) the Black Body radiation from Statistical Mechanics.

You a physicist? Then, you know my research interests!

Find my ads/arXiv publications here: ads and arXiv

Cosmological Simulations

Milgromian Gravity

Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague - SPODYR group

Since Septermber 2021, I explore the Cosmology, the formation and evolution of large-scale structures and the behaviour of Galactic systems under the Generalised Gravity's law of Milgrom.

Although firstly the law was phrased as Modified Newtonian Dynamics, it was later called as Milgromian Dynamics or now simply known as MOND.

According to MOND, the mass discrepancy or the missing gravity problem derived from the observed rotation curves of galaxies and the Newtonian prediction is attributed to the shift of galactic dynamics. When a gravitationally bound system is experiencing low acceleration, then the force law changes and the Poisson equation becomes non-linear. Remarkably, one can predict how a galaxy is rotating, the possible encounters between them and the distributions of smaller galaxies around their host ones

What I examine is the MOND Cosmology. Can MOND laws form galaxies as observed? The building blocks of the Universe are the main astronomical objects I study in order to probe the evolution of the Cosmos.

My Ph.D. supervisor is Prof. Pavel Kroupa.

Hold your ground, great discoveries (demonstrated by my simulations) are upon us!

Spherical distribution

Standard Expansion

Constant Expansion + Star Formation


Bohemian model

LCDM analysis

Corfu 2022 Conference Proceedings paper is out!

The Cold Dark Matter is the dominant constituent of the standard ΛCDM Big Bang cosmological model. Although it is expected to explain the discrepancy between the expected Newtonian and observed baryonic rotation curve of galaxies as well as the hypothesized deep gravitational potential well inside which bound structures form, while on parallel particle colliders haven’t found any plausible candidate, it is shown that more and more tensions are arising. 

Please find the link about our recently accepted on MNRAS paper! 

The so-called νHDM cosmological model is the best alternative to the conventional ΛCDM - Big Bang scenario based on MoND. We remain conservative, having Big Bang, Cosmological Inflation and Dark Energy but instead of Cold Dark Matter halos around galaxies, we adopt the Milgromian Dynamics in those scales and only assuming a sterile 11eV neutrino for the clustering in galaxy clusters. We perfom cosmological simulations, starting our runs at redshift z = 200...

Analyzing Radial and Rotation Velocities for Data Release 3

Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB), Brussels, 2019 - DPAC + CU6

During the whole year of 2019, I had been based at ROB, working on the valuable Gaia data preparation, closely collaborating with Dr. Ronny Blomme, Dr. Yves Frémat and Dr. Alex Lobel. Having the stellar spectra, I was evaluating the final values of Radial and Rotation velocities of stars of our Milky Way Galaxy with respect to space telescope parameters. 

Here you find the EDR3 + DR3 publications which I have contributed on.