
Annual call for PhD students at the Charles University, Prague, CZ

Doctoral students studying in the most famous university of the country are entitled to apply for scholarships through the GAUK program. The students prepare their own research proposal and compete among other, approximately a thousand per year, projects in all sections of study.

I have been awarded an amount of the order of 4k euros to support my MOND cosmological simulations.

Exchange program between Czech Republic & Austria

Employers of public universities in Czech Republic have the opportunity to enhance their research studies by an exchange, temporary agenda.

Each PhD applicant should propose a project, find potential supervisors abroad and establish a new Austria-based collaboration. 

My grant is for 3 months in Innsbruck, Austria for about 4k euros.

DAAD exchange -
Bonn-Prague inter-university cooperation

Mobility of academics, doctoral students and post-doctoral students

Universities of Bonn, Germany and Prague have been close partners years now.

I have already made use of the grant and my second visit will be in October 2024. Total budget comes around 1k euros per visit.