
2021  - PresentPh.D. in Theoretical CosmologyAstronomical Institute, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech RepublicDepartment of Astro- and Particle Physics, Innsbruck University, Innsbruck, Austria
Galactic Dynamics (Binney & Tremaine), Theoretical Cosmology, Principles of Milgromian Dynamics (MoND), HPC simulations

2016  - 2018M.Sc. in Theoretical PhysicsCergy University, Cergy, Paris, France
Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, Condensed Matter, General Relativity, Special Relativity, Monte Carlo simulations
2010  - 2014B.Sc. in MathematicsAristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Algebra, Geometry, Topology, PDE, Differential & Integral Calculus, Manifolds & Tensors, Real analysis, Complex analysis

Job Experience

2021 - Present (2,5 years completed and 1,5 more remaining ...)Astronomical Institute of Charles University - Prague - Czech RepublicDepartment of Astro- and Particle Physics, Innsbruck University, Innsbruck, Austria

Ph.D. student - supervised by Prof. Pavel Kroupa & by Prof. Francine Marleau - The Stellar Populations and Dynamics Research Group

1. Galactic Dynamics,                                        2. Galaxy Formation & Evolution

3. Cosmic Electrodynamics (Plasma Physics),  4. Theoretical Cosmology I,  

5. Theoretical Cosmology II,                             6. The 1st academic MoND course in history (Argelander Institut-Bonn university) 

7. State Exam passed too!                                   8. Observational Astronomy (Innsbruck University)

2019  (12 months)Royal Observatory of Belgium - (ESA) European Space Agency's Gaia space telescope - Brussels - Belgium

Scientific Collaborator - DPAC team work of approx 10 people

2018 (4 months)Laboratoire de l' Accelerateur Lineaire - Orsay, Paris, France 

M.Sc. thesis - M2 stage supervised by Dr. Marc Moniez

2018 (2 months)Institute de Physique Théorique, Saclay, Paris, France

M.Sc. project - supervised by Dr. Gregoire Misguich

2016 (2 months)Laboratoire Astroparticule et Cosmologie - Paris, France

M.Sc. thesis - M1 stage - supervised by Dr. Nicolas Busca

2014 (6 months)Research Center for Astronomy and Applied Mathematics - Athens, Greece

B.Sc. thesis on Dark Energy cosmology - Supervised by Dr. Spyros Basilakos

2013 (6 months)Section of Astophysics, Astronomy and Mechanics - Thessaloniki, Greece

B.Sc. thesis on Friedmann equations - Supervised by Prof. Manolis Plionis


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Greek - mother tongue

English - C1 Proficient

French - C1 Competént