Support Us

Help Us to Continue Offering Quality Programs

The New Hampshire FFA Foundation is the cornerstone of the Granite State FFA Association.

Its members are responsible for raising funds for the State Association, as well as offering other guidance and support to the members of the state. FFA Funds raised and received by the NH FFA Foundation are used to support state leadership conferences, state awards, citizen development, educational opportunities and scholarships for New Hampshire FFA members. The continued success of these programs rely on your contributions.

Thank you!

Suggested Sponsorship

Leadership Scholarship - $100

State Star Award - $150

Career Development Events - $250

State Officer Jackets - $350

State Officer Leadership Training - $350

Chapter Member Travel - $650

General Donations

Bronze - $250

Silver - $500

Gold - $1000

Platinum - $5000

or please send your check payable to the NH FFA Foundaton to:

New Hampshire FFA Foundation

295 Sheep Davis Road

Concord, NH 03301

In the memo field of your check, please indicate what you would like to sponsor or if this is a general donation. Please be sure to include your name and address.

Thank you for supporting NH FFA!

Scan Me to Donate!

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