Please Join Us

(Endorsement, Event Participation, Country Representatives)

★Next Renaissance Global Citizens' Conference is looking for members to join us in our activities★

We carry the following words close to our hearts in our daily activities:

Design our own life and live happily here and now!

The core to move the world is the Japanese people who understand the spirit of harmony.

Creating a new globalization that prioritizes the happiness of each individual is Next Renaissance Global Citizens' Conference!

You can get fully involved or just take a peek!

Details on how to participate will be updated on this page.

If you find yourself even a little interested through this website, please join us for an activity.

Let's work as global citizens so that everyone living on this Earth can live with dignity!

Event Participation

We will be hosting various events online via Facebook and YouTube live streams. You are welcome to join our monthly Beyond AI Future Creation Conferences and the annual "Dignity 2.0 International Conference." We would be delighted if you could participate in your favorite events and help us create an exciting and engaging atmosphere!

Participate as a Country Representative

We are seeking representatives from 50 countries to join us in the establishment of the "Next Renaissance Global Citizens' Conference Founding Preparation Committee" aimed at the creation of a World Federal Government and the realization of world peace.

If you are interested, please contact us through the inquiry form, indicating (1) your interest in this matter and (2) your current country of residence.