About World Axis Education

We define Perfect Wisdom as a foundational education that serves as a foundational framework for all people around the world. This education will offer a comprehensive body of knowledge that clearly identifies and addresses the root causes of all problems faced by individuals, organizations, societies, and the world at large, and provides solutions to eradicate them. This is what we call "World Axis Education."

Currently, in the field of economics, there exists a key currency, enabling smooth trade among different currencies of nations. However, in the field of education, there lacks a foundational education system. In different region, education is conducted under state control, and different languages are used.

Each country and ethnicity has their own educational system. That makes it difficult to achieve effective communication, mutual understanding, and harmony due to differences in perspectives and criteria, both between nations and ethnicities, as well as among individuals. The World Axis Education will solve these problems.

About Perfect Wisdom that enables World Axis Education

Past Wisdom and Future Wisdom

The  wisdom based on the science and technology developed by the West so far cannot be 100% complete; it is 99.9% complete. Therefore, it can be said to be imperfect wisdom.

Mathematics, the king of all sciences, operates in a world where everything becomes equal, ultimately converging to "1." However, what exactly "1" is remains undefined.

In other words, up until now, academic disciplines have been based on relative standards that change depending on conditions, rather than absolute and immutable standards, to explain various phenomena.

To explain it another way, it means that we have been trying to explain everything using a ruler with incorrect markings.

Since the starting point of our thinking is flawed, the results are inevitably flawed as well. The academic knowledge that humanity has accumulated thus has been built upon an inherently inaccurate foundation.

The academic discipline proposed by us, the Next Renaissance Global Citizens' Conference, as " World Axis Education," is a 100% "perfect wisdom" that begins with clearly defining "What is 1?"

By establishing it as an absolute and immutable standard, we can complement all existing academic disciplines and integrate, organize, and simply explain all natural phenomena, physical phenomena, conscious phenomena, and life phenomena.

 Furthermore, despite the extensive study of traditional disciplines, they have remained in a state where they "cannot understand, explain, control, predict, or expect" their own reality. However, with the Perfect Wisdom, by organizing everything around the standard of 1, all these become possible.


Past Wisdom  

―Disciplines Based on Science and Technology are nor 100% perfect wisdom so-called 99.99% 'imperfect wisdom

―Unable to define 'What is One?' = No absolute/universal standard

―Unable to 'understand, explain, control, predict, or anticipate' their own reality"        

Future Wisdom

―World Axis Education is 100% 'Perfect Wisdom'

―Able to define 'What is One?' = There is an absolute/universal standard

―Able to 'understand, explain, control, predict, and anticipate' its own reality

Why can it be called a 'Perfect Wisdom'? 

Why is that possible?

This is because we discovered the 'perspective problem,' which is the root cause of all phenomenal issues, and succeeded in completing the educational systematization of nTech,"perceptual technology" (ninshiki gijutu) that serves as a solution to this problem.

It is said that we will reach the Singularity (*) in 2045, marking the end of scientific and technological advancements. We are confident that it is this perceptual technology, a perfect wisdom, that will lead the next era.

*Singularity (Technological Singularity) refers to the concept of AI advancement, indicating the point at which AI surpasses the human brain.


Reasons Why It Can Be Called a 'Perfect Wisdom'

―It can complement all existing academic disciplines.

―It can explain all natural, physical, conscious, and life phenomena in a simple and integrated manner.

―It has discovered the 'perspective problem,' which is the root cause of all phenomenal issues.

―It has completed the educational systematization of nTech "perceptual technology" (ninshiki gijutu) as the solution to this fundamental problem.

What becomes possible when Perfect Wisdom is established as the World Axis Education

①Redefining Humanity

With the rapid development of AI (artificial intelligence), it is said that we will reach the Singularity in 2045, a point where AI will surpass human intelligence. Furthermore, we are entering the 'post-human era' where various forms of 'humans,' such as AI and cloned humans, will emerge, prompting the question, "What does it mean to be a human?"

The American futurist Alvin Toffler also mentioned that the 21st century requires a "redefinition of humanity," but in reality, there is no one in the world actively redefining what it means to be a human. In this context, the Perfect Wisdom defines the concept of " 1 " and uses it to redefine humanity.

Until now, humans have recognized themselves as being limited to "the boundaries of this body," but this is merely an illusion created by the "human brain and the five senses." The true nature of humanity, as stated by the Perfect Wisdom, is "the 1 itself." This " 1 " is the Fundamental Motion t that generates all existence in the universe. The true essence of humanity is this source that creates all existence.

②Evolution of Cultural DNA  

In addition to the DNA of life, we humans possess a unique Cultural DNA that no other life forms have. This Cultural DNA is characterized by 'having a common perspective and focusing on a common target.

This Cultural DNA has enabled humanity to gather with those who share the same purpose, distinguish between themselves and others, identify enemies, and cooperate to defeat them. As a result, humanity has surpassed other life forms, becoming the dominant force on the Earth, continuously evolving and advancing through science and technology.

However, now we are facing the limits of evolution based on this Cultural DNA. 

The limitation lies in the fact that it starts from a division between "us" and "others," with the belief that "we are right, and others are wrong," which inevitably leads to conflict and prevents integration. Additionally, due to the differing standards of individuals, there is an ultimate friction and conflict within groups, thus preventing unity.

In other words, this incomplete Cultural DNA has been the root cause of endless human conflicts and various problems on the Earth. 

Therefore, humanity now needs to evolve this Cultural DNA.

The complete Cultural DNA that complements this incomplete version is "having a common starting point."

 A common starting point is like the AI cloud, a foundation or platform that all of human beings share. By having this, it becomes possible to share common meanings, values, standards, and systems.

With a common starting point, integration becomes possible, and on this foundation, humanity can evolve into a species that shares a common perspective and common targets, and engages in teamwork under a Win-Win-All Win vision.

③Happiness and Success Through the NR Think Method

Just as there are clear paths for bicycles, cars, airplanes, and blood to travel, there is also a clearly defined path of thought that every individual and organization must follow to achieve happiness and success. This path is called the "NR Think Method."

*NR: NR Group

④Eliminating Mental Anxiety

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a global increase in mental anxiety stemming from health and economic issues. The rise in depression and suicides is one manifestation of this trend.

What has become clear from this phenomenon is that the traditional Western academic approach, based on science and technology, is unable to eliminate human mental anxiety. To address this limitation and dissolve mental anxiety, we turn to the 'Perfect Wisdom.' This perceptual technology, which will lead the next era following the culmination of science and technology, can solve this issue.

⑤Human Deep Learning

Since the dawn of humanity, we have been learning imperfect wisdom (disciplines built on experience and knowledge based on memorization-dependent observations), and based on that, we have been pursuing "higher happiness." The pursuit of higher happiness can be described as the state of being a "slave to the achievement motive," trying to fulfill the feeling of lack, the "✖️ state," to the "◯ state."

Instead of this endless slave-like way of life, human Deep Learning complements our existing knowledge and teaching methods. It means integrating all knowledge. Mathematics makes different things equal, and integrating all equations ultimately results in "1." Understanding the meaning of this "1" is what human Deep Learning is all about. It is not something that can be understood through empirical or inductive knowledge, but rather through conceptual and deductive knowledge.

When we understand the meaning of the "1" that is the source and root of the universe and the world, and that integrates everything, we become free from all causality and knowledge, gaining a vast mental capacity not dominated by knowledge. We acquire the sense of enjoying intelligence.

This is called the completeness of ignorance, the sense of zeroization, the eternal and unchanging sense, and the mystical and sacred sense. Through Deep Learning, humanity reborn with a human being of the mind can freely program AI's objective functions and enjoy AI's capabilities, becoming a new kind of human.

⑥Literacy Skills

In today's world, where the amount of information generated in a single year reaches 40 zettabytes (where zetta is 10^21), what criteria should we use to process and understand this information? With the overwhelming flood of data, information literacy has become an essential skill.

The literacy skills leveraging perfect wisdom of the universe and nature, enabling us to analyze past academic knowledge, history, and various events in a straightforward manner.

Things You Will Learn

The place where you can learn

Dignity2.0 International Conference

"Hybrid Event" held both online and offline

Next event will be held in Sendai in November 2024!

On the day of the event, the Next Renaissance The Global Citizen Assembly will host a "Forum to Deepen Understanding of World Axis Education."

For more details, visit:  

Notice / 

・If you want to participate casually, we recommend 

▶︎Reiwa Philosophy Café

Contents / 

Successfully technologizing the mind after 29 years of research and development! Various seminars conveying nTech (Perceptual Technology) are being held

 ▶︎NR JAPAN Inc.

Learn the basics of nTech online! Online content available for ¥990 per month. 

▶︎nOU (nTech Online Univ.)

・Learn the essence of nTech developed over 29 years in one day! The instructor is the developer of nTech, Jesu Noh

▶︎Noh Jesu nTech Master 1Day

Lifestyle /

・Noh Jesu Literacy Magazine

▶︎Amor Fati Festival

Community / 

▶︎Noh Jesu Online Salon

Companies and Organizations Utilizing World Axis Education (nTech/Perceptual Technology)

Voices from Seminar Participants

These are reflection videos from everyone who has learned about "World Axis Education" so far. Please take a look!

Mr. Paul Caswell, the founder of Weave The People

Dr. Michael Le, Ph.D. in Dentistry