About the Next Renaissance Global Citizens' Conference

What should humans know, practice, and hope for?

We aim to establish the framework of 'World Axis Education,' which everyone living in this era can learn from, focusing on how we redefine humanity in the age of AI.

Through the emergence of a global standard in education, we aim to prioritize the happiness of every individual towards creating a world where awakened global citizens actively gather, converse, and facilitate the circulation of perspectives, rather than passively waiting for governmental policies. In doing so, we lead the innovation of consciousness to bring about the Next Renaissance.

The founding principle statement.  Click 'here' 

We have concerns about the following five aspects of our current society:


The COVID-19 pandemic has generated feelings of anxiety, isolation, and fatigue, calling for rapid evolution of the spiritual civilization.

Returning to the pre-COVID era is now an impossible situation. Therefore, establishing a new lifestyle and new social systems has become an urgent necessity.

●AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Artificial intelligence has evolved tremendously, bringing us many conveniences, but at the same time, it has begun to replace human jobs and even suggests the possibility of creating an Useless class. Without answering the questions "What is a human?" and "What is human dignity?" we won't be able to move forward.

Hegemonic competition

The era of a world structure centered around the United States has come to an end, and we are now in a time of intense hegemonic competition. In a global society founded on nation-states, we are confronted with the question, "Can humanity create new cooperative relationships on a global or planetary level?" It is crucial for each of us, as global citizens, to reflect on and address this question.


All education depends on factors such as nationality, ethnicity, religion, and so forth, and differences in these areas perpetuate endless conflicts and wars. However, to address global challenges, it has become essential to have education that transcends differences in nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, power, wealth, and other factors, allowing everyone to learn together on common ground

Lack of leadership

Despite the need for new directions, there are no signs of leadership emerging anywhere in the world to show the course and policies of a global future civilization post-COVID.

Our Activities

Let's realize a world connected by dignity itself, right here and now!

Let's create a One World that transcends nations, ethnicities, and religions, as the harmony spreads.

Rather than waiting for someone else to do it, we create our society and world! 

Our members aim to create a society where everyone is liberated from anxiety and fear, overflowing with dignity, and feeling refreshed and excited right here and now, and engage in various activities.We are also recruiting "crews / creative crews" to engage in activities together. 

If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.

1. Global Citizens Conference

We hold Global Citizens Conferences once a month. These gatherings provide a platform to discuss and delve into themes that we want to share with fellow global citizens, fostering collective reflection and understanding."

2.Dignity2.0 International Conference

We hold International Conference once a year. It is aimed at integrating various fields of study, fostering a holistic approach to knowledge, and spreading technology globally. It serves as a meta-platform for sharing new knowledge production methods.

Dignity2.0 International Conference 2023

This year's theme is "Blooming True Harmony of Heart." It was held on November 25th, 26th, and 27th, 2023 both online and offline!! 

This year's event has concluded.

3. 2030 Vision

Starting from 2021, we are working towards the establishment of a World Federal Government by 2030.