White Horse Hill

The crack just given to the windscreen

Draws a clean and elegant line

Across the rubble-coated, prehistoric horse

Cut hard against the hill.

So, look in the guide book,

How old is it?

Bronze Age? Iron Age?

However old,

My memories are older.

Anyway, who cares?

Facts are not why I’m here.

My dad broke his leg on the hill:

Did he smell the grass

While waiting for help?

He wouldn't have missed

Such a

Ripe, poetical moment.

A cup on the dashboard

Dwarfs the land,

Steaming the size of a Johnny-Come-Lately Power Station

And the mud’s from my sleeve

When I slipped and swore

And I nudged with my elbow

The white, chalk path

As if to recall

A joke from the past.

And the horse is modern and stylised,

Like the Pagan badge

On the steering wheel hub,

Just half a mile (and thousands of years)


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