
A man and a woman

Travelling by,

"Please, somewhere to stay!"

We hear them cry,

But they find no room

However they try

In Bethlehem.

Now, even the inn

(Where there's ALWAYS a bed)

Is full

With many a sleepy head,

All comfy and cosy,

Warm and fed

In Bethlehem.

The innkeeper sighs,

"It's so very sad

But we've run out of rooms

And there's none to be had,

I'm sorry your luck

Has turned to the bad

In Bethlehem".

"So you turned them away?"

Says the innkeeper's wife,

"That girl, she is barely clinging to life:

No, we won't be the cause

Of her pain - or her strife -

In Bethlehem!"

"Put the donkey outside

And tidy the sheep

And cover the window

So people don't peep,

But first tell that couple

They've somewhere to sleep

In Bethlehem."

"You mean the stable?"

"Of course, you great clot,

Oh, don't just stand there,

Now off you trot,


So see where they've got to

In Bethlehem."

The innkeeper's wife,

She plumps up the straw,

She bids them good night

And she closes the door.

She pities the couple

So helpless and poor

In Bethlehem.

Later that night,

A camel bell peels,

There are sheep in the street,

And a wise man kneels,

And for some strange reason

It's joy that she feels

In Bethlehem.

"Good gracious!" she gasps

And she stifles a cry,

There is heavenly singing

And angels on high,

There's a beautiful star

And it's blazing right by

In Bethlehem.

The innkeepers stare

And they know they must go

To the crowd that has gathered,

Has gathered below.

Though it's deep in the night,

The street's all aglow

In Bethlehem.

And over the years

They remember the light,

The shepherds, the angels,

The star so bright,

And they think of the child

On that wonderful night

In Bethlehem.

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