Cars images

Cars images after the Great October Revolution, the foundations of society changed dramatically, which also affected education, including teaching the art of drawing. In the artistic sphere, a new ideological struggle began to develop between the supporters of realistic art and the epigones of bourgeois formalistic trends, rejecting the classical school. The visual activities of children also began to be treated more carefully. The Soviet school began to pay more attention to the development of creative abilities in children, the scientific school was supplemented and enriched with new scientific research on children's art. At the same time, the theory of “free education” begins to develop on the basis of the biogenetic theory of the greatest art critic A. V. Bakushinsky. Drawing in secondary schools has become one of the illustrative subjects showing the development and formation of the child.

Despite the positive moments in the history of the development of the Soviet fine school, there were serious shortcomings. So supporters of the formalist trend, propagandizing the theory of “free education” published low-quality textbooks for secondary schools, in which illustrative material began to be limited to children's drawings. Such aids ignored the realistic drawing in general. An explanation of the classical realistic school of drawing was not presented, the authors were not much interested in the scientific approach. Connections with the recent revolution, any supporters of mastering the heritage of the past were reproached, which affected the level of education. Much attention to the cars images has been paid to the development of creative abilities, in line with the knowledge of visual literacy. Gradually, supporters of the realistic trend began to thoroughly conduct consistent work on the development of issues in the methodology of teaching drawing for a comprehensive school. New school curricula began to be developed. A serious confrontation in education began around 1923-1925, teachers began to use the "comprehensive program", instead of testing knowledge in individual subjects. In 1931 a new program was released, based on drawing from nature. This program included assignments on drawing on a theme, decorated drawing, drawing on presentation for elementary grades and lessons on the history of fine art. Among the significant people for the development of teaching methods in secondary schools in the Soviet era, one can distinguish: P. P. Chistyakov’s student, D. N. Kardovsky and K. A. Savitsky’s students: A. E. Arkhipova, N. A. Kasatkina. C.F. Yuon.

By the 1940s, a realistic direction finally prevailed in Russia. In educational institutions, new principles and methods of teaching fine art are gradually approved, disputes about the problems of educational drawing are resolved, scientific schools for the study of children's art are opened.

Presentations of new cars images always become the central event of any auto show. Manufacturers try with their help to demonstrate to the public new concepts both in design and in the design of future models. For students of technical universities, concepts serve as a kind of guideline - what to strive for. They allow you to keep abreast of future changes in the automotive industry, and in their training projects based on industry-wide trends. Unfortunately, car manufacturers cannot open access to students for their concepts - the cost of building such showers reaches up to a million dollars, often they exist in single copies. One of the solutions in this situation is the implementation of joint projects with universities. At the University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI), students can design a concept as part of the educational process, from the first sketch to the final production of the conceptual model for an auto show. Today, such projects are being implemented with domestic manufacturers. An example is a student project with AvtoVAZ on the design of a new C-class car, as well as individual design projects with various automakers on the development of car components, assemblies, etc. Regarding the concepts of the University of Mechanical Engineering - they serve as textbooks and exhibition models. For example, Cardi Body regularly participate in car races and auto shows, and this year this concept took part in the legendary rally of classic cars MILLE MIGLIA 2021 ”.

Technics of the cars images 

In the role of a graphic basis, it is present in any image on the plane, in this value it is evaluated from the point of view of quality (the concept of drawing in painting, etc.). A drawing can be performed as an independent work of graphics in value or serve as an auxiliary step for creating pictorial, graphic, and more rarely sculptural works or architectural designs. Drawings as preliminary sketches and sketches for creating larger-scale paintings are often of self-sufficient and outstanding artistic value.

Drawing is the technical base of the visual arts, as a result of which it is deeply studied by artists, sculptors and architects (academic discipline "academic drawing"). Drawings are created by artists in the process of studying nature (sketches, studios), when searching for compositional solutions to graphic, pictorial and sculptural works (sketches, cardboards), when marking a pictorial picture (preparatory drawing for painting).

Drawing as an independent work of the cars images - easel drawing (by analogy with easel painting) - forms a separate kind of graphics in European art. Historically known drawings of considerable aesthetic value also fall under the category of easel drawing, regardless of their original purpose. Drawing brings its uniqueness closer to painting, while such printed works as prints and lithographs can be distributed in many equivalent copies.

Elements of the picture, creating the illusion of three-dimensionality: light, shadow (intrinsic (the most unlit area of ​​the picture) and cast (falls on the surface on which the object is located), partial shade (between light and shadow), reflex (reflection), highlight (most illuminated area) .

Using a graphic pattern, you can convey not only the shape and degree of transparency and illumination of the body (using the above elements), but also “convey” the color — by means of the black-and-white (in the case of black-and-white pattern) shade corresponding to that color.