Cars drawings

Car Drawing - the image on the plane, created by means of graphics.

Drawing is the structural basis of a visually perceived form. In this sense, outlines, contours, essays are close to the concept. The artist of the early Italian Renaissance, Piero della Francesca, in his Treatise on a Picturesque Perspective (c. 1482) wrote: “By drawing we mean profiles and outlines that are contained in things”. However, a drawing is not only a “outline”, but also a representation of the construction of the subject in its three-dimensional qualities. Drawing as a structural image of the observed object is formed in the mind of the painter even before the start of the pictorial process, and therefore it carries a rational, intellectual beginning. Drawing in the visual arts is the structural basis of the graphic, pictorial, sculptural and architectural forms. Drawing is also a separate type of fine art, a kind of graphic arts. Its history goes back to ancient times.

Sectional drawing - illustration, drawing or three-dimensional graphics, on which the surface of a three-dimensional object is partially removed in order to familiarize the viewer with the internal structure of this object. An important nuance is that the removal of part of the surface should not distort the perception of the object as a whole object. This drawing can only be done by an artist who is well acquainted with the internal structure of the object, having architectural plans, drawings, and other documentation necessary for work. Although compliance with the scale in such figures is not a necessary condition, most often it is more or less observed. The first sectional drawings have been known since the beginning of the Renaissance. In particular, they were used in their notebooks by the Italian artist and engineer Takkola (1382 - c. 1453). In the 16th century, cross-sectional drawings were actively used by mineralogy Georgy Agricola (1494–1555), especially in his work De re metallica. Nowadays, cutaway images are actively used in the computer games industry. For example, in The Sims, the user has the opportunity to view houses without walls, in section and with walls.

Easel drawing is one of the kinds of painting, the works of which have independent significance and are perceived independently of the environment. Literally - a painting created on a machine tool (easel). A work of easel painting - a picture - is created on a non-stationary (as opposed to monumental painting) and non-utilitarian (as opposed to decorative painting) basis (canvas, cardboard, blackboard, paper, silk) and assumes an independent and not conditioned by the environment. A special place is taken by monotype - a pseudo-circulation painting technique that uses the print-specific technique of applying a paint layer to paper by printing from a board (metal, plastic, glass).

Car Poster

A poster is a type of applied printed graphics, type-font or art-illustrative sheet large-format printed edition containing information in an advertising-compact form for advertising, propaganda, instructive, educational and other types of information. The poster sheet contains a catchy image and a catchy headline or appeal. In modern design, the poster is perceived as “a message summarized in a clear visual formula, designed by a contemporary for conclusions and concrete actions.” This formula reflects a certain level of graphic design and informs about the subject of communication.

Artist Dmitry Mitrokhin, car silhouette

Silhouette - flat monophonic image of profiles of figures and objects. A kind of graphic technique (contour and fill), is usually performed with ink on a light background or with white on a dark, or cut out of paper .

Cars paintings history 

The history of painting of the cars and drawing covers at least 30 thousand years of human life on Earth and is practically a neighbor of the history of music. The first drawings, drawn by coal and ocher on the walls of the caves where the ancients lived, depicted mainly herds of wild animals - bulls and horses. Also Cro-Magnons (people of the modern type, a species that appeared 40,000 years ago) applied handprints to the walls. Such drawings are found throughout Western Europe - in France, Spain and other countries, and call them cave painting. Later, in the midst of the Neolithic period, an ornament appears on ceramics, dishes are decorated with patterns.

Drawing became the forerunner of writing and acted as messages for the transmission of information. So drawing was used as a specialized form of communication before the invention of the written language. Cave paintings in caves from the Paleolithic age are vivid examples. Such drawings are called pictograms and depict a schematic representation of an object or phenomenon. Sketches and paintings created in the Neolithic era were ultimately stylized and simplified for symbol systems (scripting) and, ultimately, for early writing.

Global changes in teaching art in Russia occurred under the rule of Perth I. Returning from a trip abroad, Peter brings with him a new way of life for the whole of Russian society. The dramatic changes in the country apply to the visual arts. New art schools are emerging, the main focus of which has just become teaching drawing from life. Since there were very few domestic specialists, masters from Europe were invited to study quickly. In 1735, the first illustrated textbook on drawing “Basic Rules, or a Brief Guide to Drawing Art” was published for schools, which was the first serious textbook in Russia. I. D. Preisler. This book was appreciated by contemporaries both in Russia and abroad. Thus, the Russian Academy of Arts was the best of drawing schools. She became the center of pedagogical and methodological work of art education. The outstanding teachers of his time were Anton Pavlovich Losenko and Vasily Kozmich Shebuev.

Thus, since the beginning of the 19th century, a new training system has been established in Russia. New practices are gradually replacing the old traditional patterned pattern. The formation and development of the academic system of art education in Russia takes place on a scientific and technical basis. Great attention is paid to teaching methods, both from the practical side and from the theoretical side.

A large role in the training was played by the emerging teaching aids. A major event in art education was the release of the “Drawing Course” by A. P. Sapozhnikov for secondary schools. [10] Among the important textbooks of his time, one can distinguish the works of the authors: P. Basin, G. Kiniger, V. Langer, Racing, N. Sokolov, N. Stankevich.