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The abnormal heat that will come to the central part of Russia next week can negatively affect the well-being of residents. This was stated in an interview with "Evening Moscow" by therapist Viktor Lishin.

According to him, a change in weather entails a change in atmospheric pressure, which affects the human body. “First of all, there is a reaction from the side of blood vessels, blood flow changes, blood pressure changes - liquids are redistributed,” Lishin explained.

As a result, a person begins to feel a general malaise, he noted. In addition, depending on the immune system and existing diseases, Russians may experience headaches, a feeling of weakness, heaviness in the legs, discomfort in the chest area and even small changes in vision.

As the doctor specified, those at risk are those who have chronic diseases, diabetes or hypertension, the elderly, people with a sedentary lifestyle, as well as those who have problems with the autonomic nervous system.

To avoid deterioration, according to Lishin, sports, good nutrition and good sleep will help. In addition, the doctor advised to reduce stress, refuse processing and drink plenty of water.

Earlier it was reported that in November the air temperature in Russia will be about normal; the Far East will be an exception - there it will be higher than usual. It was noted that in the metropolitan region and the central part of Russia at the beginning of the month, thermometer readings would be 9-10 degrees higher than the level of long-term observations.