Club Rules

Newport Phoenix Cycling Club

(Est. 1953)

Club Rules

Effective AGM, 18th January 2022, replacing previous version dated 19th October 2018. (Additions highlighted in red voted in by the committee on 18th January, 2022 in response to changes in regulations in respect of Time Trials implemented by CTT, of which Newport Phoenix CC is a fully paid up member.)


  1. This club shall be called the NEWPORT PHOENIX CYCLING CLUB and shall be affiliated to National Bodies and Local Organisations as shall be deemed necessary at the Annual General Meeting or thereafter as deemed appropriate by the elected Committee. The Youth section of the Club shall be known as Newport Phoenix Flyers.

  2. The management of the club shall be by an Executive Committee consisting of the club officials plus committee members, as required, all to be elected annually.

  3. The club officials shall be: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and Welfare Officer. Only First claim members of the club with at least one year’s membership shall be entitled to stand for any of these positions.

  4. First and second claim members shall be eligible as club officials. First claim members only shall be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meetings called by the committee. Second Claim members shall be entitled to attend the AGM, but shall not be eligible to vote.

  5. Club colours shall be green, white, gold, red and black.

  6. New members of Newport Phoenix CC shall, upon payment of the annual subscription, be entitled to all the privileges of full membership until the renewal date the following year.

  7. Newport Phoenix CC’s policies on GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) and photography of junior members are detailed in separate policy documents which are published in full on the club’s website and communicated to all club members upon joining the club and when updated or amended. Newport Phoenix CC endeavours to follow the guidelines set out by the relevant official bodies in such matters.

  8. The committee shall meet each month, or as frequently as the committee deems necessary, to transact the club’s business. Any member of the committee absent from three consecutive meetings without affording reasonable explanation and obtaining leave of absence shall be deemed to have resigned and the committee shall fill the vacancy.

  9. Every individual wishing to become a member of Newport Phoenix CC shall complete an application form, and submit this to the membership secretary. Applications will be accepted at the discretion of the Membership Secretary / Club Committee.

  10. Any member not paying his or her subscription within one month after the membership renewal or joining date shall be deemed to have resigned and to have forfeited all rights and privileges accruing from membership.

  11. Members shall be liable to expulsion for unseemly conduct, and the executive committee shall have power to strike a member’s name off the club’s books.

  12. All club events will be run according to the rules and regulations of the appropriate governing body.

  13. The club’s financial year shall commence on 1st October and end on 30th September after which date the treasurer shall prepare the balance sheet and subsidiary accounts, which shall be audited by two auditors elected at the previous Annual General Meeting.

  14. The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the 3rd Friday in October, or on a suitable alternative date as agreed by the committee, and at least 14 days notice of such meeting shall be sent to the members by post or e-mail as appropriate, enclosing a copy of the agenda and the annual accounts, to be audited within the 30 days following the Annual General Meeting.

  15. Items for the agenda of any General Meeting shall reach the secretary at least seven days before the relevant meeting.

  16. All decisions made at the Annual General Meeting are effective from the date of that Annual General Meeting.

  17. A Special General Meeting may be called by the executive committee or, alternatively, by the secretary, upon receipt of a request signed by seven members, subject to at least seven days’ notice (with a copy of the agenda attached) being given to the members.

  18. No alteration in, or addition to, these rules shall be made except with the consent of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting at the Annual General Meeting (or Special General Meeting called for the purpose), notice thereof to be circulated to the members seven days before the meeting, together with a copy of the agenda, or copy of the relative alteration or addition proposed, except where legislative requirements require an immediate rule change, in which case the committee shall have authority to implement such amendments.”

  19. Postal or e-mail votes on Annual General Meeting agenda items addressed to the Club Secretary will be accepted up to one week prior to the meeting.

  20. Any sponsorship agreement reached is to form part of, but not run contrary to these club rules.

  21. All Newport Phoenix CC members participating in any club cycling activity MUST:

      1. Wear protective headgear

      2. Ensure their bikes are equipped with a minimum of fully operational red rear light, with a white front light strongly advised.

      3. Carry emergency contact / medical details or, in the case of junior members, be accompanied by a responsible adult at all club events and activities

      4. It is also strongly recommended that Newport Phoenix CC members have third party insurance in place when participating in club events.

  22. Club Time Trials

      1. All competitors in Time Trials organised by Newport Phoenix CC on behalf of Cycling Time Trials under their Rules and Regulations MUST:

          1. Be fully paid up members of either Newport Phoenix CC or another CTT member club

          2. Riders who are not fully paid up members of either Newport Phoenix CC or another CTT member club may, at the timekeeper's discretion, enter a limited number of such Time Trials (provided that on each occasion they take out a temporary membership of Newport Phoenix CC at additional cost to the entrance fee for the Time Trial itself), after which they will be deemed to have officially joined the club. The timekeeper's decision on whether to admit riders on this basis is final.

      2. In order to comply fully with CTT regulations all competitors in Time Trials organised by Newport Phoenix CC MUST:

        1. Wear a properly affixed helmet which must be of hard/soft shell construction

        2. Helmets should conform to a recognised Standard and must offer protection against head injury whilst not restricting the rider’s vision or hearing. Riders must ensure helmets are properly fitted, undamaged, good condition, and should conform to a recognised Standard such as SNELL B95, ANSI Z90.4, AUS/NZS 2063:96, DIN 33-954, CPSC or EN 1078.

        3. ALL participants MUST ensure their TT bike is equipped with both fully operational red rear light and front white light (either flashing or constant) and that is illuminated and in a position that is clearly visible to other road users. Again, the timekeeper's decision on whether to admit riders on this basis is final.

  23. All members representing the club in open or inter-club events must wear official club clothing.

  24. Reasonable expenses incurred by 1st claim members only, while representing the club at open or other events, and whilst wearing official club clothing, shall be reimbursed at the committee’s discretion.

  25. Club members are personally responsible for any content posted on any of the club’s social media. Any abuse of the club’s social media platforms and/or any abuse of any individuals or their privacy via the club’s social media platforms will not be tolerated, and could result in expulsion from the club. The committee’s decision on such matters will be final.

  26. Any matter not provided for in these rules shall be dealt with by the committee, whose decision shall be binding on all parties.