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The realization of the "Peace Indaba" in the first quarter of 2014, which has proved the feasibility of conducting group presentations on a common subject ( at that time was Nelson Mandela), clearing up numerous issues as the recruitment and training of participants, preparation of each intervention, their coordination by the University of Vigo, the recording and subsequent publication of the session, etc.

The presentation Handson Relativity, in 8 sentences" performed by students of IES Pedra da Auga Secondary School in the XXVII Galician Congress of Science Teachers in November 2014. 8 groups of students from 1st Baccalaureate were able for 1 hour, to present to an audience of teachers in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology and Biology a didactic visual sequence of the theory of relativity.

The reception was very positive, and the video recording has been edited for publication on the dedicated website.


After the initial set of presentations are made in April, the possibility of making a second or even a third conference could be discussed.

The following items could be the scientific background for them:

6-The geometry of spacetime explains electromagnetic phenomena

the school in The Netherlands

7-The balance (scales) as a measurement in space.

the schools in Greece, Italy and Germany (Greece and Italy explaining the origins of the scales and balances, and Germany explaining their connection to spacetime with help of the research group on ancient levers of the Max Planck Insitute)

8 -The equivalence of mass and energy was first proposed by Albert Einstein when he was working in Bern

the School in Switzerland

9-The geometry of spacetime explains the paradoxes of Big Bang and thus the structure of the Universe. The American astronomer Edwin Hubble was the discoverer of galactic recession, whose consequence is the theory of the Big Bang.

the school in the USA