0-Introduction to Hermann Minkowski and spacetime (which is the essential visual element for the presentation). The school in Germany

1- Movement and instant (ideas first introduced by Aristotle, and which in this proposal are displayed in a visual way): The school in Greece

2-Classic Relativity (a concept introduced by Galileo). The school in Italy.

3-New experimental evidence (as found by Michelson). It can be explained simply by going to the daily functioning of GPS systems). The school in the USA.

4-Lorentz transformation (that is a mathematical transformation of spacetime which can be geometrically visualized by a simple and elegant figure). The school in The Netherlands.

5-Light as speed limit (Einstein). This concept is presented in a striking way as a metaphysical and geometrical impossibility, and it is checked daily at the CERN particle accelerator in Geneva. The school in Switzerland.

These diagrams were presented by students from Ponteareas, Galice with gestures

They made at the end also a song with all the sentences.


Activate the subtitles in English if the voices are not clear.

Every participating school could also highlight the contributions of the scientists they are presenting to the evolution of the concept of light and its properties:

Minkowski: the geometry of spacetime includes the speed of light

Aristotle: light rays as straight lines

Galileo: how to measure the speed of light

Michelson: he received the Nobel Prize for his accurate measurements of c

Lorentz: Light as electromagnetic radiation (Nobel Prize)

Einstein: the speed of light as an uttainable limit (as observed at CERN)