Latest News

Our Kingussie Primary team have had a successful year playing in tournaments around the Highlands! Well done to all our players and a big thank you to Kingussie Camanachd Club, Paul Gow and Davie Anderson for all their hard work!

Big Litter Pick - Oct 23

Thank you to Green Tweed Eco who came into the school and spoke to our P1/2/3 class about the dangers of littering and also helped them organise their own litter pick around the school. 

Halloween Disco - Oct 23

Thank you so much to the parent council for organising the Halloween disco - All the children had a brillaint time.


Christmas Performance at KHS - Dec 22

We are so proud! Last night our P6/7 class appeared on the stage at the KHS Christmas concert, using different instruments, played ‘We three Kings’.

Well done P6/7!


17th Nov 2022 - Blythswood

P3/4 would like to say a huge thank you for all the generous donations towards the Blythswood box appeal

7th June 2022 - Gardening

Children enjoying planting potatoes in the primary garden.

2nd June 2022 - Jubilee Day

Thanks to the Kingussie Community Council, Kingussie Primary School enjoyed a wonderful picnic for the jubilee celebration in the Gynack Gardens. As well as this, the children enjoyed a performance of the Twits in the Badenoch Centre.

This was the first time in two years that the school has been involved in such a 'gathering'. It was a wonderful occasion and EVERYBODY had a fabulous time!

We even got dressed up! 

Thank you so much KVCC, volunteer helpers and all staff!

19th May 2022 - GoBycycle

Our Upper School pupils had a great deal of fun working with the GoBycycle Team.


Penny Oakes said:


‘I just wanted to say thank you to the P5/6 and the P6/7 class that took part in the Bikeability sessions yesterday. Everybody worked very hard and were very kind and respectful to all their classmates. A credit to you all.


Look forward to seeing everyone next week and remember, get out on your bikes and practice stopping, starting, gliding and signalling as well as the 'M check'.


Well done to our KPS pupils!

Term 4 - Slowly going back to normality!

This has been a week where normal school life seams to be returning slowly -  full school assembly and even our nursery children who are getting ready for their transition into P1 in August attending to enjoy the music and atmosphere.

Welcome Back!

Just a reminder school is closed 2nd May & 5th May !

1st April 2022

P7's were presented with their leavers hoodies to wear next term. 

23rd March 2022

P6/7 Children enjoying the science skills academy, based around robotics and mathematics. 

Learning to programme a robot, calculating the speed and distance that it may travel.

Red Nose Day -18th March 2022

Thank you to all pupils, staff and our families for the wonderful support shown to our Red Nose Day. 

We raised: £73.70 this time round.

 Thank you, thank you, thank you…..from KPS. 

11th March 2022

Thank you to all pupils, staff and our families for the wonderful support shown to our Blue and Yellow Dress Down Day for the Ukraine. 

We raised: £143.30 and this will be sent on to the Red Cross. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you…..from KPS. 

What a busy day! Here is a snapshot of our 'Wear it Wild' day, Christmas lunch as well as some Shinty and Active Schools successes, which we celebrated in assembly.

Thank you everyone for making it a lovely day.