
Mrs Carswell/Ms Mair

Here is what we have been learning about in the ELC:

2022/2023 - Mrs Carswell/Ms Mair

2021/2022 - Mrs Carswell/Mrs Brown/Ms Mair

Term 4 - Week 5

The children took part in a self-awareness task! They were each asked to peek inside the box 📦 inside this box they would see the face of a very kind and beautiful person. Once each child had looked, they were asked to raise their hand if they recognised the face in the box. Each child raised their hand, concluding it was their reflection in a mirror and that as individuals they were all kind and beautiful people! 💖

The children’s number recognition is developing with each child being able to recognise numbers up to 10 and relate them to the correct quantity. They have counted the correct amount of letters in their name and we’re able to write the number from memory! ⭐

Term 4 - Week 2

We have had a busy week, we introduced Space while learning about the solar system and what planets do.

We used a variety of shapes to create out rocket 🚀 pictures.

We have also been doing lots of numeracy and learning how to recognise numbers 1-10 using hats and number boards matching bottle lids with corresponding numbers.

Active sports programme stated on Monday Finn had us playing toilet & tunnel tig then has animal races it was great fun.

The pre-school children started transitions by joining in the first face to face assembly hosted by Mrs Johnston and p1-4 talking about words.

Term 3 - Week 12

This week in ELC we focused on initial letter phonics. The children had some great examples (Reggie red rabbit, Ollie ostrich, Angus awesome apple, Isabella icy igloo).

We created Mother’s Day pictures, learning about feeling, celebration and compliments.

We also enjoyed lots of water play using technology and our Goldilocks puppet show which was put on by the children

Nursery T3W12(1).pdf

Term 3 - Week 10

At ELC this week we started our new topic which is Safari Animals, we learned about the food chain and which animal we would like to find out a fact about.

We have been learning about matching which pattern matches with which animal.

We have used our fine motor skills to roll out and make animal footprints 🐾 in our mud playdoh.

We are continuing to learn about syllables clapping out our Safari animal, you can continue this at home and ask your child to clap 👏 the number of syllables in their name or their favourite toy.