Job Descriptions for Faculty Moderators

Below, Faculty Moderators can find a template for preparing a job description they can use for both the Program of Studies for their school and negotiations for stipends/salaries. It is highly encouraged that teachers modify this to meet their needs, and perhaps, to conquer the verbosity of the very first sentence! The second paragraph is very generic: it should be modified to express goals that are specific to and individual school or school district. Faculty moderators are encouraged to incorporate language from the stated goals and mission of their school to emphasize the link between them and their model UN program.

There are many ways to present all of the time on task issues, especially if groups just meet during a certain of the year defined by a semester, or a season.

Finally, the last paragraph represents one way of defining how a faculty moderator will handle the issue of accountability to the administration. This paragraph will be shaped by the rules and regulations of each school.

Comments, concerns and suggestions are always welcome, and if anyone develops a jobs description and would like to share it, it would be deeply appreciated.

The Model United Nations Program Faculty Moderator and Advisor

The Model United Nations Program Faculty Moderator and Advisor has the responsibility for coordinating of a model United Nations program that meets on a regular basis to develop the appreciation on the part of student participants for important issues in history, politics, and foreign relations through particpation in a simulation of the United Nations and other domestic or foreign institutions that debate important issues in world affairs, past and present. A teacher holding this position serves as a faculty moderator who guides students through the study of a of topics they would not have the opportunity to study in a regular classroom setting, and as an advisor will help students develop the speaking, problem solving, and negotiating skills necessary to succeed as model United Nations delegates. The teacher also advises students as they develop the leadership and administration skills and assert to make the program an activity entirely run by students.

Taken together, the activities of the Faculty Moderator and Advisor support the goal of the high school and district to build the knowledge and skills that serve the students to become active citizens capable of making informed decisions about world affairs as they continue as lifelong learners in the 21st century.

The program will meet (once, twice, three times, four times) a month for (one hour, two hours) per meeting, for a total of_______ hours per month. The Faculty Moderators and advisor will acquire (one, two) hours of preparation time for every hour of meeting time. The Faculty Moderators and advisor will also arrange field trips to model United Nations conferences and other programs and places that offer opportunities for the students to achieve the goals of the model United Nations program.

Finally, the Faculty Moderator and Advisor will be responsible maintaining accurate financial records pertaining to the student activity account established for the program. They will also be responsible for keeping school administration and school community advised about their activities, their progress, and the sources of financial support critical to achieving the goals of the program.