
Why should we start thinking about Climate Refugees

Climate change is a real problem in the world that we live in today. Many people are being displaced from their homes as the climate shifts, causing unlivable conditions which lead to anarchy in their home countries. Places like Syria have faced civil war in their home country which all stemmed from a drought that caused unease and eventually led to the civil war, displacing many families who are in need of a place to live. With the temperature of the earth on the rise, people are going to need a new place to call home.

What is this Foundation?

This foundation will create a new sustainable style of housing for Climate Refugees who have fled their homes in search of a new place to live. The funding of this organization will come from donations from the public and other citizens who care about those in need. The funding will help with the transportation of Climate Refugees to get them to their new home. Funding will also help with building the affordable housing in and around cities in America. The sustainability aspect of this organization is making these housing sites more green powered by installing solar panels to help with energy use and cut down costs of living.

Example of solar powered homes