Affordable Housing

How are the homes built?

The homes that are built by ANHCR are quality, affordable homes that are built by volunteers along side members of the ANHCR foundation. The homes are built with as many sustainable materials as possible, while keeping the standard of quality building in mind. We want these houses to feel like a true home to climate refugees when they arrive, not like another shelter where many of them have already spent too much time.

Where are the houses built?

The houses are going to be built in communities that are located in regions that have a lower risk of negative effects of climate change. Midwest states and New England states are the most suitable for our mission at creating a new home for the climate refugees. The homes will be located in and around major cities where there are plenty of opportunities for success in employment. The location of these houses is going to give the climate refugees who are living here the best opportunities to be a successful, and important part of society.

How much do the houses cost?

The cost of building the houses will be limited to no more than $200,000 with a low of $140,000. The climate refugees who intend to live in one of the ANHCR homes will only be required to pay off how much it cost to build the home. This affordable mortgage makes it so that the climate refugees are still needed to be apart of the working class which will benefit the economy of the United States, while not having to pay an extreme mortgage.Â