Mini Data Jam project submission instructions

We will be using a Google Drive system for submitting projects. Below are instructions for official entry and upload of projects:

1. Each team will enter their specific team and project information using the Mini Data Jam Project Submission Form below. (This is NOT the same as your earlier pre-registration which just indicated your intentions.)

2. After submitting the team information form, Check Email: A Google Drive link and unique folder instructions will be shared with you for each team registration. You must use this link to enable judges and Data Jam administrators to have full access to your project submission. If you have any difficulties with this step, contact at gmail for assistance.

3. Ensure all team members have permission to participate. You should have email confirmation for digitally submitted forms. If printed consent forms were used, upload completed Parental Consent Forms (photo or scan ok) and create a sub folder labeled "Consent Forms". If a project does not have ALL participating student forms submitted digitally or uploaded, it cannot be judged and will therefore be disqualified.

4. Drag and Drop or Upload student projects to the team folder. Creative projects should be digitally recorded or photographed and may be submitted as pdf's of slide shows or YouTube video links***. Note: Please use the following file naming convention when saving and uploading reports and projects:

"Project Title_Level of Dataset_School Name".pdf

***For ease of judging, please ensure that your students' YouTube links are included in their reports. Go to this link for help with YouTube.

5. Have all participating students complete the survey ( to help us measure the current effectiveness of Data Jam and to help us improve future Data Jams. These data will be anonymous and pooled together with all LTER sites offering Data Jam opportunities. We can also provide teachers with a copy of their students' responses upon request. Thank you!

6. Have all supporting teachers and adult leaders complete the teacher survey ( Thank you!