A special message from the Methodist Church's Council of Bishops
We welcome our new pastor, Rev. Vernon Shenberger to Neidig as of October 1st. Office Hours will be: 2nd, 3rd & 4th Wednesdays of the month from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and Thursday from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm. Tuesdays he will work from home. Pastor Vernon is on leave until January 28th.
You can email the church for other issues at neidigumc@gmail.com or call and leave a message at 717.939.6921.
Church service and activity cancellations will be announced on channels 27 (WHTM) and 21 (WHP) through the scrolling cancellation list on the bottom of those channels news screens. If you have a function at Neidig and you need to have a cancellation announced, contact Sharon (717.216.1040).
WMike E. will be holding a Lenten Bible Study starting
See our Gift Card Page here or get an order sheet from the back of the church. We accept cash, check or paypal.
Church Council meeting Tuesday, Jan. 28th at 6:30pm
First Sunday Breakfast Socials Continue
Next breakfast is Sunday, February 2nd.
We will continue with the breakfast socials on the first Sunday of each month. Everyone is welcome. Please feel free to bring a breakfast item and join us for a time of fellowship. It starts about 10am with the setup and ends at the start of worship service (at 10:30am). If you need a toaster or oven for your breakfast treat text Sharon at 717.216.1040.
New BiMonthly Community Events
None for November but look for our Christmas Show in December. After the December show, we will be pausing the bimonthly events and scaling back as we have lost one of our champion helpers.
Family Fresh Food Pantry at Neidig.
Every Wednesday from Noon to 6pm
Inventory Changes Weekly - Free lunch on last two Wednesdays of each month
Free Clothing Giveaway has ended.
Pantry Special project: assembling "snack bags" every Friday during the month of November starting at 9:30 a.m. Any helpwould be greatly appreciated. You may come and leave at your convenience.
If you are interested in volunteering to help (talk to clients while they wait - fetch products from palettes - and general gopher stuffs), please contact Lyn Clark at 717-712-9997 or email her at FFPantry1@gmail.com
If you are in need and wish to avail yourself of their services, please stop by any Wednesday from noon til 6 and sign up. There is no limit to how often you come each month - once or every week. Light meals/snacks will be served the last two Wednesdays in the month. In addition, to the pantry, community service reps will frequently have a tables, such as free cell phones and health insurance broker.
Neidig Continues with Remote and In-Person Services
Due to the significant completed vaccinations in the population, we are offering on-site AND video services, whichever suites your needs.
You can watch the Sunday sermons live at 10:30am (approximately) on our Public Page found here: https://www.facebook.com/Neidig-Memorial-UMC-Public-Page-328550723909647 or watch us on our YouTube channel found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9hVIRrdOkZ2kd7KiEdzzBg .
Let us know of any site problems or things YOU would like to see on our pages. Email us at neidigumc@gmail.com
Wanted: Alternate or Replacement Videographer!!
At this time, there is only one person trained on the videography equipment. We have no backup. We are looking for a volunteer to learn the system and either assist when she can't make it OR take over the main responsibility for taping the services and she'd act as backup for you.
Neidig Adult Choir & Bell Choir: Rehearsals have started!!
All welcome to join the choirs from the community. Rehearsal starts at 6:30pm. Bell choir rehearsal will be Wednesday nights after choir rehearsal (~7:30pm), but not every Wednesday night. If interested, contact Kim D. or email neidigumc@gmail.com. The choirs are on hiatus over the summer and will probably start rehearsals in September.
Flowers and Bulletins
The signup sheets for bulletins is posted outside the Secretary's office. It is $5.00 per week. Please consider signing up for them to offset church expenses and honor or share a memory of a loved one, celebrate a birthday or anniversary or just say "thanks" to someone special. If you cannot come to the church to sign up, call the office at 717.939.6921 and leave a message for Cindy for what you'd like to do. You can then make payment via envelope, paypal or mail.
We are currently switching over to artificial bouquets for the altar flowers. However, real flowers are available through special arrangement. Contact Cindy G. if interested. I believe the price will be $40.00 a week (2 bouquets).
United Women in Faith
As a rule UWIF meets the first Tuesday of every month at noon. Bring your lunch and join us for fellowship and faith.
The next meeting is, Tuesday, January 4th at noon in classroom #4.
Help the Homeless
by picking up a "homeless bag" from Classroom 4. Show others you care by passing them out to those you see asking for help on the street. Please let Cindy G. know if the basket is empty or low on supplies.
New Ongoing Mission: Family Fresh Pantry.
We will be collecting canned goods for the Family Fresh Pantry. There will be collection bins in the sanctuary and also a red cart sitting in Fellowship Hall on the stairs leading to the Youth Room where you can place your donations.
Special Ongoing Mission: Neidig will have an extra container at the front of the sanctuary for moneytary donations for the people of Ukraine. UMCOR has ceased their Ukraine project so we will find different organizations each month or so to receive the donations. You can submit through collection barrel in front of church or through mailed check or Paypal putting "Ukraine" in notes section. Include dollar amount in notes field if entire paypal deposit is NOT for Ukraine, otherwise all of it will go to Ukraine.
January 2025
January's Mission Project will be Red Bird Mission, Inc. and Red Bird Clinic, Inc. They have been providing ministries in the region of the Appalachian Mountains since 1921. Today the need still remains critical in the isolated, rural distressed areas. Chronic poverty, lack of jobs, poor housing, and rugged mountainous terrain provide obstacles to a fuller life for the residents of this area. Red Bird Mission ad Clinic strive to meet these needs through ministry in the areas of Education, Health and Wellness, Community Outreach, Economic Opportunity, and Community Housing Improvements. We will be collecting monetary donations this month to be sent to Red Bird.
Please see Kim for more information or if you have any questions. You can also email us at neidigumc@gmail.com.
Community Aid
Donation Credit Code: 10172
Breaking News!! Community Aid will now pay for Household Goods (excluding furniture), Electronics, and Toys. Everything must be CLEAN and in good repair. So we will now accept those items as well. Do not place ANY items in kitchen. Put them in the bins at the ally and Highland St. doors. The back door box has been moved to the top of the back stairs outside the nursery door.
As you are aware, Community Aid removed the donation boxes from the parking lot. This was a program wide decision for Community Aid managers as they are eliminating pickup donations due to cost. As a result, we enrolled in their "take it in ourselves" program. In order for the church to get credit for any donation, you need to give our credit code: 10172, when you make a donation. This will work best for a large amount of clothing being donated - something that has significant weight (payout is by weight). So we decided that in order to get the best bang for our ounces, we would install donation boxes in the church near the side, Highland St. and at the top of stairs at rear entrances. The tubs will be marked Community Aid. So if you have just an item or two or three, just bring to church and place in a tub. If you have a lot of items, please label the bag with #10172-Neidig and drop it at the back doors of the Community Aid building. Please make sure items are clean and in good repair. When full we will take it in for payment. If you have any questions, ask Kim or Sharon.
I have just found out they do not accept quilts or shams or other linens with fiberfill/batting.
Mission Central Computer Ministries
On January 20th, Mission Central held a special collection of electronics/computers. However, they accept for recycling and refurbishment computers, accessories, cables, wires, old cell phones and other old electronics (excluding televisions) year round. To have any of these items claimed for MIssion Central contact Sharon at neidigumc@gmail.com and she will make arrangements with you to collect.
Little Free Library at Neidig Church
Our church hosts a Little Free Library (LFL) located outside the church building to be used by the whole community and church members. It’s located on the LFL official website too as a location. The library helps build the community with inspired readers and helps expand book access. Books are free for anyone that wants them. You can also put any extra books you have on hand back into the LFL. If you have more than what will fit, please let us know. Please be sure they are appropriate for all ages. We accept children, teen and older reader books.
Just thought you might like to know:
Township & County News
Dauphin County Household Hazardous Waste Program - free curbside pickup once a year for each household. Be sure to read about the specifics preparation.
Compost Facility is open daily Mon-Fri. 8am to 3pm and Saturdays 8am to 2pm, excluding holidays. The facility operates 4/1 through 10/31. See web site for dumping permit fees.
Safe Medication Disposal Box is inside the township bldg. by the police office. It is available Mon. through Fri. 8am to 4:30pm.
Street sweeping is done in Tri-community Area on Thursdays and Fridays.
Boy Scout Troops 308 has installed a flag retirement box at the township bldg. to the right of the front door.
Area Community Events
Upcoming Sub Sale at Salem Lutheran - more info to come.
Please email the pastor or webmaster at neidigumc@gmail.com to add your event to our community notice board
Check out our new District Website at harrisburgdistrict.org All District events are listed on our calendar and can be found on the website. Submit your events to the office at harrisburg@susumc.org for the