Pastor & Staff

Meet Your New Pastor

Karl Robert Herman grew up in Rauchtown, PA southwest of Williamsport. His wife Dustie grew up in Shippensburg. She is a medical secretary. They have 2 children. Sophia, 16, is a softball pitcher and plays the ukulele. Logan, 15, likes video games and Marvel movies. Rev. Karl plays the clarinet and soprano, alto and tenor saxophones. His favorite television show is Doctor Who. He has one sister, Kay who lives in Warren, Ohio. He graduated from Jersey Shore High School and Grove City College, both in PA.

He received his Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry Degrees from Lancaster Theological Seminary. He was ordained deacon in 1988 and elder in 1991. His favorite Gospel is Luke. His favorite Apostle is Thomas, who (in his favorite scripture verse, John 20-28) proclaimed the Divinity of Christ when Thomas looked at Jesus and said, "My Lord and my God".

Rev. Karl Looks forward to getting to know the twp congregations and their communities.

Pastor & Staff

Rev. Dr. Karl R. Herman, Pastor

Mike Emerick, Lay Leader

Jeannette Keesel, Adult Choir Director

Kim Daniels, Youth Choir Director and Organist/Pianist

Lori Haagen, Handbell Choir Director

Cindy Gundy, Church Secretary

Committee Chairs

Church Council: Scott Eshenaur

Recording Secretary: Jan Davis

Staff Parish Relations: Kim Daniels

Staff Parish Relations Vice-Chair: Elected by Committee

Treasurer: Frank DeSendi

Trustee Coordinator: Sharon Staub

Financial Secretary: Cindy Gundy

Worship Coordinator Lori Remsnyder

History & Memorials: Jan Davis

Nurture Ministry: Tana Eshenaur

Outreach/Missions: Kim Danials

Older Adult Ministry: Peggy Gundy

Children's Ministry: Lori Haagen

Assimilation Ministry: Ruthie Rodkey

Witness Ministry: Lori Haagan

Discipleship Ministry Jeannette Keezel

Lay Members to the Conference:

Frank Desendi