
Fall Conference 2025, College of the Holy Cross (Worcester MA)

September 27, 2025 

Details To Come

Spring Workshop - March 29, 2025 on zoom

10:30 am - noon: Thinking Puzzles by Diane Morton

12-1 lunch break (in community on zoom)

1-2:30 Active Learning, Assessment, and Political Economy by Alex Moore

Register here now

Fall Conference 2024, MA Maritime Academy

Spring Workshop - March 23, 2024 on zoom

Equity in the moment: Responding to Situations During Group Activities in the Mathematics Classroom.

Faculty who engage in group-work activities experience challenging moments where their actions could either include or alienate students. In this workshop, we will showcase an equity-based framework that individuals and programs may use in centering equity discussions in their own STEM programs. Participants will use this framework to engage with several equity-focused scenarios that instructors may encounter while students are working in groups. 

Facilitators: Geillan Aly - Compassionate Math, Jonas D’Andrea -  Westminster University, Gizem Karaali - Pomona College, Ileana Vasu -  Holyoke Community College.

Registration (deadline March 19): 

(Image credit: Tony Ruth for Design in Tech Report)

Fall Conference 2023, Westfield State University

Saturday, October 21, 2023 - in person.  You can now register:

Reading Groups

Please check out our Professional Learning Communities Page to see which books NE-COMMIT is currently reading together.

Current Tea Meetings

Please sign up for our email list to see when our weekly tea meetings are happening. Some are themed, but many are just times to connect, support each other, and share ideas.

Past Events:

Spring Workshop - at UMass, Lowell  

Saturday May 20, 2023

Incorporating Puzzles and Games into the Mathematics Classroom 

Facilitated by Lauren Rose, Bard College. 

Organizers: Carly Briggs, Roser Gine, Geillan Aly

Details here: 2023 Spring Workshop  

Fall Conference 2022, Harvard University

October 1, 2022 - in person! 

Please submit proposals (deadline August 20th) and register here: 

Gathering at MAA NES Meeting, June 3-4

Rachel Schwell and Christine von Renesse are facilitating a gathering on Saturday June 4. Please come and connect in person! :)

During this hour, we will discuss and explore questions, issues, and successes related to teaching with inquiry and active learning in general. Case studies will be available for discussion, but attendees are also invited and encouraged to share their own personal anecdotes. All levels of experience are welcome, and participants may attend any or all of the three 20-minute time slots.

The meeting is at Southern CT State University. Meeting Website: 

April 9th - Workshop at NE-MATYC

Teaching Mathematics in a "Post"-COVID World 

Geillan Aly, Hartford College

COVID has been a traumatizing experience for most in our society. As mathematics faculty, we must recognize our students' trauma and help them heal and move forward. In this talk, I will outline a three-point framework (motivation, agency, content) to help support students' mathematical learning. Faculty looking to revamp their teaching or those interested in easy ways to incorporate inquiry-based mathematics learning in their lessons are encouraged to attend.

Workshop by Chris Jett on March 5

Cultivating Antiracist Dispositions and Pedagogical Practices in College Mathematics Classrooms. Timing: 10 am-noon

Research has emphasized the importance of empowering racialized groups in college mathematics classrooms, as there is a need to dismantle racialized barriers that keep minoritized students from thriving in these spaces. Also, attention has been devoted to Critical Race Theory (CRT) over the last year given the recent attacks on this theoretical perspective. This session will provide initial understandings of CRT, its explanatory tenets, and its connection to undergraduate mathematics education. In so doing, participants will engage in critical conversations about antiracist work and brainstorm ways to cultivate antiracist dispositions and pedagogical practices. 

Registration closed.   (Resources shared at the workshop.)

Community Meeting: Nov 4, 7:30-8:30 pm  

In this virtual meeting we will ask the community to help create/improve a clear mission and vision for our community. What are our values? What do we want to accomplish in the next years? Please come and join us :)

Check your email for the zoom link!

Conference October 23, 2021 - Virtual

Modality: remotely with a possibility of some in-person gathering.

Details and registration at: 

Thanks: Image by Nathalie Jullien via Pixabay

NE-COMMIT Resource HUB -- Open Workgroup on August 10

August 10, 12-1 PM

You are invited to this community workgroup to start setting up your own page on the NE-COMMIT Resource HUB at  

Also read Geillan's blog post about this project.

Summer 2021 Meetings

We have lots of remote events going on this summer!  :) 

June 11, 10-12: Summer meeting to reflect on remote teaching and plan for the fall. 

July 6, 10-3: Statistic workshop, see details further down on this page.

July 22, 10-12:  A Panel on ungrading with Candice Price, Erin Rizzie, Ileana Vasu, and Debbie Borkovitz. With work time during the second hour.

August 2, 10-12: Summer meeting to reflect on remote teaching and plan for the fall.

Workgroup: Reimagining Mathematical Experiences for Students (see email for details).

Simulation-Based Inference as a Model of Inquiry-Based Learning in Statistics: July 6, 2021 virtually

This institute will provide time, space, collaborators, and resources to develop a professional community of individuals interested in adopting inquiry-based approaches to teaching Statistics, both at the undergraduate and secondary levels. Participants will experience from the student perspective an example of commercially available introductory statistics curriculum [Introduction to Statistical Investigations, 2nd ed., Tintle, Chance, Cobb, Rossman, Roy, Swanson, VanderStoep] Participants will unpack the key pedagogical features that support students’ conceptual development, they will work to plan a unit of study to implement in their classrooms, and prepare for collecting data about evidence of student understanding and possible misconceptions. Finally, participants will be offered the opportunity to observe a synchronous online implementation of SBI curriculum to listen to the way students talk about statistical concepts and discuss them with their colleagues.

Facilitators: Laura Callis ( and Jen McNally from Curry College (

Tuesday, July 6, from 10 - 3 pm Eastern, virtually

Register here:

Deadline: June 24, 2021 (to receive access to publisher's materials)

Small Ways into Teaching with Inquiry  Workshop

April 17, 10-12 on zoom - with social lunch time after.

If you are (or feel) new to including inquiry in your classes, this workshop is for you. You will first experience a short inquiry activity as a student and use it to reflect on a “definition” of inquiry-based mathematics education. Then we will split into themed breakout rooms to work on one aspect of our teaching, such as designing worthwhile tasks, eliciting students’ thinking, and creating a student-centered classroom. The goal is to develop one new (small) way to foster inquiry-oriented learning and to find colleagues who will support you in the process.

Facilitators: Shana Frank (Leaf Charter School, NH) and Christine von Renesse (Westfield State University).


NEMATYC Spring 2021 Conference IBL Workshop

April 15, 5-6:30 on zoom

Abstract: In a classroom centered around inquiry, students engage deeply with coherent and meaningful mathematical tasks via a collaborative process. Meanwhile, instructors inquire into student thinking and foster equity in their design and facilitation choices. This 90 minute session will explore an inquiry-focused lesson based on an activity from a content area that students may see in their first and second year in a college mathematics classroom. During the session, participants will be immersed in an inquiry classroom centered around an engaging task. They will then have the opportunity to analyze the live inquiry classroom and its components and to identify teacher practices that support students in learning with inquiry. 

Facilitators: Meredith Watts (Mass Bay CC), Ileana Vasu (Holyoke CC), Volker Ecke (Westfield State University).

NEMATYC 2021 Conference: Inflection Points

Workshop on Team-Based Learning 

The workshop was held on Saturday, March 13th from 10:00AM to 12:30PM, with an optional social "lunch" to follow. This workshop  included an introduction to Team-Based Learning and on designing tasks for your classroom. The hope is for you to leave with a newly designed or reworked task in hand. Whether you're an IBL beginner or a seasoned practitioner, this workshop is appropriate for anyone interested in active learning. Facilitated by Carly Briggs (Bennington College).  

NES/MAA Northeastern Fall Meeting

At the all-online NES/MAA section meeting Nov 20/21 ( there were two sessions for people new to teaching with inquiry run by Ileana Vasu, Rachel Schwell, and Volker Ecke.   We are grateful to the organizers of this regional MAA conference for giving us the opportunity to share our excitement with everybody.   

1) The Section NExT Workshop on Friday, Nov 20, 2:30-3:30 PM,  was especially geared towards new or early career faculty who are curious about teaching with inquiry.  

2) On Saturday, Nov 21, from 11:00 AM - Noon, we ran an inquiry session open to all conference participants.  If you were sad because you missed Ileana’s “Live Classroom” on Linear Algebra at the recent NE-IBLM Conference, here was your second chance!!   

Conference 2020, Boston University

The event took place online on October 24, 2020.  See here for the full website and registration.

On Wednesdays 12:00-1:00 PM through the summer, you're invited to participate in NE-IBLM Summer Lunch meetings. Tentative topics:

RSVP email to host is appreciated.             Video link via email.

Workshop at Worcester State University

March 28, 2020

The workshop did not take place as planned because of covid-19. Instead the Worcester and New Haven workshops merged into one online event

The original program can be found here.

March 28, 2020

The workshop did not take place as planned because of covid-19. Instead the Worcester and New Haven workshops merged into one online event

Annual Conference to start NE-IBLM.  October 19, 2019.

Inaugural Conference to start NE-IBLM.  November 10, 2018.