2020 NE-IBLM

Spring Workshop


It was our pleasure to welcome 24 faculty from many institutions to our

NE-IBLM workshop **ONLINE** using a **video collaboration platform** !

Special thanks to Houssein El Turkey for originally planning the workshop at the University of New Haven!!

We are grateful to the "IBL Communities" for facilitator stipends and their support through collaboration mini-grants.

The following google drive folder makes documents from the workshop available: slides, resources, etc.

Two important goals of the consortium are broadening the use of IBL in the New England area and creating a regional community of IBL practitioners. We will focus on these two goals in particular at this event.

We welcome participants of any background using IBLM as a pedagogical approach. We will continue our discussion about the role of IBL in inclusive learning, an important connection that is ripe for further exploration and research.

The workshop will take place online on March 28th from 9:30 AM - 4 PM. We put together a program to actively involve and engage all participants.

NE-IBLM email list: If you'd like to keep in the loop about the work of the NE-IBLM community going forward, sign up for the NE-IBLM email list.

Program Details:

  • Morning Live Classrooms: You will have a choice between a Differential Equations and a College Algebra class.
  • Lunch & Community Building
  • Round Tables: Student Buy-in, Specifications/Mastery Grading, Opening up (traditional) Tasks, Small ways into teaching with IBL
  • Afternoon Session: Equity in the IBL Classroom.

Registration: The fee of $20 for registration (before 2/28/2020, after that $25) includes full participation in the program, as well as lunch, coffee, and snacks. Register here!

If you have questions about registering, please contact Houssein at HElTurkey@newhaven.edu.

Location: ONLINE (*not* at the University of New Haven)

Looking forward to connecting and learning with you!

The NE-IBLM 2020 New Haven Workshop Organizing Committee,

  • Houssein El Turkey, University of New Haven (local host)
  • Megan Heenahan, Eastern Connecticut State University
  • Mami Wentworth, Wentworth Institute of Technology
  • Mel Henriksen, Wentworth Institute of Technology
  • Christine von Renesse, Westfield State University
  • Volker Ecke, Westfield State University

Special thanks for hosting this workshop at the University of New Haven!

Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Mathematics Learning by Inquiry (MLI) for a grant to support the brainstorming and visioning work of the NE-IBL organizing group.