Envisioning Life in Northern New England into the Next Century

How do we want our communities to look 

in 100 years (and beyond)? 

Below is a growing collection of links and videos to help inspire our small-group discussions.  

Please visit their websites for more visions and insights.

Our goal is to:

(Note: credits are currently within the videos themselves.  These resources were used to motivate our small group discussions.  Please visit the sites of each videos to learn more about their projects.)

How might climate change affect New England into the next century? 

What are demographic and economic projections into the next century? And how are can we prepare for change?

Designing our futures: Urban Planning, Landscape Design, Transportation, and Energy

What will the science and technology of our future look like? 

Below are links to videos on the NSF Ideas Machine 2026  (this website has 29  others, including ideas on Public Carbon Capture, Geomimicry, and Clean Oceans )

News Center Maine -- "Maine is leading the country in research about nanocellulose, a white, paste-like material with nearly limitless possibilities."

Social Infrastructure, Cultural Stewardship, and Future Values 

Importance of social interactions in community resilience. Volunteer emergency responders,  local energy, food systems, access to hospitals, grocery stores, clean waters, schools, etc; "community capital".  Social network analyses. Social assets and values.  Also broadband connectivity and virtual interactions.  Legislative innovations and policy actions .  

Environmental Justice: What do we want our societies to look like? 

Others Envisioning the Future in Northern New England

The Age of Nature Lecture Series  (The Nature Conservancy, MEA, MMSA)

2021 Camden Conference  - The Geopolitics of the Arctic: A Region in Peril 

Webpage Notes 

Provide hyperlinks to all videos as Google sites does not yet allow fullscreen option. 
Need to double check that we can legally embed videos on our website (they all have embed codes which likely means the authors gave permission when they uploaded them...but we should double check the rules).