Toward the Next Century: Envisioning and Designing Sustainable Coastal Communities 

The Challenge

Focus Groups for understanding Community Activities & Needs  

(Young adults 18 to 30s) 

Tuesday January 26, 2021

7:00-8:30 pm 

Thank you to all who attended! 

How do we build a resilient coast where communities actively collaborate with neighbors? 

Young adults will share their visions for partnering across communities. We will identify challenges, suggest strategies, for overcoming hurdles, and discuss how science can help.


Sharing Our Ideas

Wednesday March 17, 2021 

1:00-2:30 pm

Thank you to all who attended! 


"Charting community futures in a time of surprises..."  

This session will focus on becoming better acquainted with you, your community, and your climate focus.

What key values are important for envisioning the future of your community?

What are the major drivers of change?  

What are your hopes and fears for what your communities will look like?  

What are some challenges or hurdles to achieving the hopes and preventing the fears?

 Making it Happen

What specific knowledge, information, skills, trainings, education, internships, research, data, jobs, or internships could advance your vision of interconnected communities?

Which of these specifics might be of particular interest to you, and who needs to be involved?

Responding to Needs

(follow-up events TBD)

Subsequent interactions will delve more deeply into identifying the knowledge and resources needed to reconcile short-term and long-term timescales as coastal communities anticipate and prepare for change.  

The continuing goal is to:

better recognize local knowledge gaps, funding needs, and identify regional networks and academic partnerships that could provide knowledge-sharing, training, student internships, and co-developed research projects. 

...And anything else participants feel is necessary! The  focus is on what communities needs.

This project is made possible through funding by NSF Coastlines and People grant # 1939943 and is co-sponsored by the Maine North Atlantic Institute  and the New England Arctic Network
Please contact  Katharine Duderstadt for more information 

Click here for Code of Conduct

Photos: Banner Image:  Jonesey. Camden, Maine (GNU Free Documentation License); Thomas Good, Climate Protest UMaine (wikimedia commons); John Marin, Stonington (public domain); Alexander Rummler, Dredging for Oysters (public domain).