PRC29 Behavior Support Grant
Progress Monitoring You Grant
Reporting dates to be submitted:
Behavior Support Assessment Data
October 31st
January 31st
April 30th
June 30th
Behavior Support: Building Sustainable Systems
The state requires each PSU that receives PRC29 funds to progress monitor the short and long term indicators from their grant. Each PSU is asked to summarize their suspension, attendance and intervention data on this same form. Districts will review their data each quarter and report progress, modifications and projected outcomes to their regional coordinator. THIS IS YOUR DATA! Please collect, collaborate and adjust programing as needed based on YOUR DATA! Take a look at the example to be sure your team is moving in the right direction.
Directions for submitting and sharing your link for the Behavior Support Assessment
Each student who is served by the grant must have their data entered into the Entrance/Exit Tool.
Entrance Tool - 2024-2025
Districts reported their baseline data to the state when requesting funds. The district will use this form to determine eligibility for PRC29- add on services.
The district will be required to share the Entrance/Exit tool with the state at the end of the school year. This data is not required for quarterly reporting
BASELINE Tab- this tab is used to enter students during the initial request for funds. This tab is not used after the school year has started. Students who are entered on the baseline tab but will not be served must be moved to the EXIT Tab.
ENTRANCE Tab-this tab is used during the school year to add new students who are being served in the PRC29 program.
EXIT Tab- this tab is used during the school year to take students out of the PRC29 service program.
END OF YEAR DATA Tab- this tab is used at the end of the 23-24 school year. All students who are being served at the end of this school year should be reported on this tab. This served to exit the students from the grant for the 23-24 school year.
Please share the google link for your EEtool with your regional consultant.
This example:
provides the district with a data collection tool for the early students identification
does not replace the Entrance/Exit tool
supports teachers and administrators when they first suspect students may benefit from add on services.
helps districts insure the correct steps to an intensive intervention have been followed.
The state requires each PSU that receives PRC29 funds to progress monitor the attendance and suspension data for each student on the grant case load.
This year the PSU will gather the data each month on the required excel spreadsheet.
The PSU will summarize each quarters data on the Behavior Support Assessment form.
The suspension/attendance excel document will be submitted to the regional consultant at the end of the school year along with all other end of year data.
The district will be required to share the Suspension/attendance form with the state at the end of the school year. This data is not required for quarterly reporting
Please use the same form all school year
If needs or services change, the LEA will complete the prioritization for whenever there is a discrepancy in the utilization of the allocated funds.
Behavior support will review the request and contact LEA to approve the request.
Example of when to request a change; the LEA was unable to fill a position or a contract amount changed, and the funds allocated for those categories are not being utilized as indicated on the grant.
Please do not make these changes in the CCIP system 2024-2025 Prioritization Form Request
Review the expenditures and projected spending for the year quarterly.
If there is a discrepancy due to staff leaving, unable to fill position, position is no longer needed, etc.
The district should make the reversion as soon as the surplus of funds is discovered.
Contact your Behavior Consultant to problem solve best resolutions for the unencumbered funds
Complete the reversion form and send to your Behavior Consultant for review.
Failure to revert funds will impact the following years award when not submitted by March 31st.