
Job Description & Resources

Approximate time required
3 hours per month

Google Drive: Secretary Shared

Attend PAC Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings

Take Meeting Minutes

{Suggestion: Make a copy of the agenda from Google Docs and type it directly on it!}

Meeting Minutes Training Document

Meeting Minutes Template

File and Post Meeting Minutes within 72 hours to the Google Drive, the link is submitted to other locations:

Google Drive Folder: Meeting Agendas, Minutes, Reports - Public Viewing

Facebook Group:
Membership List:
> Post the link from the Google Doc that is in the Drive. No need to post it twice or separately. 

Notify members of upcoming meetings by:

Edit using your PAC Gmail Account:

Facebook Group:

Keep an accurate copy of the constitution, bylaws, and any other needed documentation and records of the PAC.

Google Drive Folder: Constitutions, Bylaws, and Job Descriptions (Public Viewable)

Make records available to members upon request. 

Issue and receive correspondence on behalf of the PAC.

Add members to the Direct Email List is set to receive a notice when someone completes the form. 

Best Practice: Update the Direct Email List weekly. 

Original Form: Please add me to the Navigate PAC direct email list!

Google Drive: Please add me to the Navigate PAC direct email list! (Responses)
> Tab - Form Responses: 

> Tab - Form Responses > "Status" Column - Manually added. 

> Tab -  Templates: 

Direct Email List Google Group:
> Use the "Direct Add" feature. 

Maintain Google Drive with standard naming conventions

>> YYYY - MM/DD Document File << 

This keeps everything in numerical and chronological order!