Chairperson & Vice Chairperson

Welcome Letter from Previous Chairpersons

Welcome to being the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for Navigate NIDES PAC. 

Thank you for your generous offering of time, energy, and spirit for this role.

Our PAC is unique in that it represents students from across British Columbia, who may not likely interact with each other. 

This page is designed to empower your leadership with resources, context (& historical context), and support for your success. 

Please update sections as you go! 

Thank you, 

Christine & Vivian
Navigate PAC 2021-2022

Job Description & Resources

The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson have interchangeable duties depending on the  strengths and preferences of each person.

Approximate time required - Varies with passion, projects, and needs
4 hours - 8 hours per month.  

Complete Turnover from Previous PAC Executive Committee Members and Onboarding for new Executive Committee Members

From 2020 Constitution and Bylaws:
Note: We expect to edit these bylaws in 2022-2023)
SECTION V - Part A: The Chairperson shall:

Communication Best Practices