Nautilus L5E

Step 1 - First Block

Solve a 1x2x3 at dL. This means the block that is completely within the left layer of the cube. This step has been proven to be fast and efficient. There are many strategies that can be used and the best one depends on the scramble.

Step 2 - 2x2x2

Build the 2x2x2 at the back right (dbr). There are a lot of possible strategies that can be used to build the 2x2x2. The recommended strategy is to first build the right side 1x2x2 then add the DB edge. This is likely the easiest and most efficient single strategy. The efficiency of this was confirmed by Melkor after inputting several strategies into the HARCS program. It had the lowest movecount.

Using the recommended strategy of building the right side 1x2x2 then adding the DB edge has a few great points.

A strategy that is a very close second in movecount is to first add the DR edge then build the square on the back (dBr). Once users are used to the primary recommended strategy they can start to incorporate other strategies such as that one. Check out the Blockbuilding Examples page for different ways of solving the 2x2x2.

After Step 1 and Step 2, it forms the primary shape of the method called the Shell. Other ways can be used to build the shell. However, the recommended strategy is to solve a 1x2x3 then a 2x2x2 because it leads naturally into the blockbuilding style and other steps contained within the method.

Step 3 - dFR pair

Add the dFR pair. After the shell is formed, add the pair containing the DFR corner and FR edge. This step is easy to accomplish using the available rRUM moveset. F moves can also be useful in some situations. This step is completely intuitive but can also be performed using algorithms for the best solutions every time.

It is possible to combine steps 2 and 3 using more advanced blockbuilding. It is currently recommended to always solve the 2x2x2 then add the final pair. However, with some practice, using other strategies depending on the scramble could lead to lower overall movecounts. Below are a few of the possible ways of combining the two steps.

Step 4 - NCLL

Solve the four corners that are on the U layer. Because this step ignores the U layer edges and the DF edge, the algorithms are ergonomic and have a low move-count. 

NCLL and NCOLL Algorithms

In step 3, the pair can be inserted without caring about the orientation of the DFR corner. This shortens the number of moves required for the dFR pair. Then in the next step the final four corners can be solved using a variant called TNCLL (or Naughty-Ness) proposed by community member Silky.

TNCLL Algorithms

Step 5 - L5E

The final step is to solve the last five edges. The advanced goal is to solve all in one algorithm. On the way to learning these, the first step can be to orient the five edges then permute using L5EP.

L5E Algorithms

Beginner Progression

If you are just starting with Nautilus, below is the recommended progression towards the full L5E variant:


All beginner algorithms are provided below:

View Beginner Algorithms

Intermediate: Once you are comfortable with the above beginner steps, you can learn additional algorithms to speed up your solves.

View Arrow L5E Algorithms


This progression plan was developed in cooperation with Silky and other Nautilus community members. The arrow L5E algorithm idea for intermediate use was proposed by trangium.


The recommended future of this variant is to use a mix of pseudo techniques and other optional blockbuilding.


Overall the big idea in the L5E variant, if looking at it from the perspective of Nautilus compared to Roux, is to get the DB edge solved early and in as few moves as possible. Versus having a longer final step of LSE or solving the DB edge during LSE and ending with L5E. If the DB edge is solved during LSE using M and U moves it requires 3-4 moves on average including AUFs. Nautilus provides a number of benefits over solving SB, CMLL, then ending with LSE.

Is this a new method or is it a Roux variant?

It is inevitable that there will be comparisons with Roux. The methods have similarities. Some may oversimplify it and say that the second step is "just SB with the DB edge solved". But this doesn't consider the fact that users will very rarely solve SB then add the DB edge. The primary strategy is to solve the dbr 2x2x2 first then add the front pair. Other strategies that don't involve first building a second 1x2x3 are also long term goals for users. An additional major point is that the blockbuilding in the second step of Nautilus is very different from the blockbuilding in Roux. It involves 3D blockbuilding. This means that more than one center is included. Nautilus is the first method to have the proposal of 3D blockbuilding after FB. Roux only does 2D blockbuilding (SB). The community may want to call it a Roux variant. Especially if it starts trending toward a realization or belief that L5E could be great for Roux. However, considering the points presented here, claiming Nautilus as a variant wouldn't make perfect sense. It also means that the name of the method would be at least slightly different from Roux and credited to the proposer. So we may as well put it under the Nautilus system no matter the name.