Blockbuilding Examples

After the dL 1x2x3, there are two main blocks that can be built. One is the 2x2x2 which is used in most variants. This is often called Nautilus Second Block (NSB). The other is the 2x2x2 with the dFR pair attached, which can be called XNSB. Both of these blocks have various orders in which they can be built and each have their own strategies.


dbR first

When building the 2x2x2, there are two main recommended strategies to start with. Solving the dbR 1x2x2 then adding the DB edge is one. The first step is easy after some practice. While building the 1x2x3 in the first step, you can look ahead to find the corner and an edge of dbR. Create a corner-edge pair with these two pieces then add the pair with the remaining edge to form the complete dbR. After this all that is needed is to attach the DB edge to its centers and move it to the DB position.

Scramble: F2 L2 U2 B2 F2 U B2 R2 D2 R2 F2 L2 F' L' D' L R F U' R2 F'

FB: z2 R2 B r B R' U M F'

dbR: r2 U2 R' U r U' R2

DBM: U' M2

DB edge first

Solving the DB edge first is the other recommended starting strategy. It is the opposite of the one above and just as simple. Locate the DB edge, attach it to its center, and move it to the DB position. Then mostly the same techniques as in building dbR first can be used to build dbR at this point. The DB edge can be influenced or even solved during step 1 of building the first block.

Scramble: B2 R' U2 L' U B' U' R L2 D2 F2 R2 B2 L2 F2 D' F2 U' R2 L2

FB: y2 R2 U F2 R B M' B

DBM: R2 U' M'

dbR: U R' U' R U R' U' R

Any square first

Once you have become comfortable with the above two strategies, you can progress to solving any of the three possible outer squares that make up the 2x2x2. Building the square that goes to the back or bottom first is mostly the same as building the right side square. The difference is that an M center needs to be built into the square. Typically this first square will be built and mostly held on the U layer. Once it is complete, the final edge is attached to the right side center, the square aligned with the final edge, and the 2x2x2 positioned to dbr with an r, r', or r2 move.

Scramble: U2 F U' R' F' U2 F R2 B2 D2 R2 D F2 R2 L2 U' D2 B2 L2 R'

FB: x2 u2 R u2 M R U R' F

1x2x2: M' U R U2 R'

Final Edge: r U r' U' R' U2 r2

Scramble: F' L2 U2 L2 R2 B R2 F L2 B' L2 F' R' U' L2 F2 D2 B U R F

FB: y2 x U M' D U' M' R' F

1x2x2: R' U' M' U' M2

Final Edge: R' U' r2

Any edge first

This is the opposite strategy of solving any square first. Here you first place any of the three edges that are within the 2x2x2. For the first edge, if it is the DB edge, use the DB edge technique described above. If the first edge is one of the other two edges, simply attach the edge to the right side center. Once an edge is placed, build the remaining 1x2x2 and attach it to the edge. Here again, if the remaining 1x2x2 is the one that goes to the back or bottom, including an M center is important.

Scramble: L' U R2 F R' F U' F B2 U2 R2 B2 D2 R' D2 L2 U2 L U2 R'

FB: y2 r' D U' R2 F

Edge: U2

Square: R U' M R2 U' r' U M R'

DB edge + DR edge first

For a really simple way of building the 2x2x2, the DB edge and the DR edge can be solved first. Then using mostly R, U, and possibly a couple of M moves or wide turns, create and add the dBR pair.

Scramble: F' R D2 L' B2 D2 L F2 R U2 L B2 R' B' D' R' F L2 B' D R2

FB: F' M F' l U2 R2 F

DBM + DRS: U' r U r2

dBR: R U M' U2 r' U R' U2 R

Extended Block

2x2x2 then dFR

Once you've become accustomed to building the 2x2x2, adding the dFR pair afterward is really easy. Simply attach the corner with the edge and insert. This won't always be the most efficient way to build the extended block. But it often is good and is an easy way to get started.

Scramble: L2 U2 L U2 R' D2 R B2 U2 F2 L2 U2 F' R B2 L' D B U' L R

FB: F R2 B' U' R' U2 F'

2x2x2: M2 U r U' R U R2 U' R2

dFR: U2 r U2 r' U r U' r'

Two squares

This may be the most efficient strategy. First, the dfR square is built. Then the dBr square is built and combined with the dfR square. When the dfR square is built, there is still a lot of freedom of movement so it is easy to build the next square with its center. The remaining three M slice centers are automatically positioned because they don't move, so all that's left is to align the two squares with each other. The opposite can also be done where first the dBr square is built then the dfR square is added.

Scramble: U R D2 R2 U2 F2 U2 F D2 B U2 F' R2 U' B F L R D' F

FB: z2 D' R D2 U' F' R2 F

DBM + DRS: R2 U2 r2 U

dBR: M2 R U r U M' R' U r

Any right side square + DB edge then final pair

From the 2x2x2 section above, the solver can use the square first or DB edge first strategies here to build either the dfR or dbR square and place the DB edge. Then, depending on which square was built, add the dFR or dBR pair.

Scramble: B' F2 R2 F2 U' L2 R2 D2 U' R2 U R2 B2 L' B D L2 U2 B' U R'

FB: z2 B' D r' F R U r B

dfR square + DB edge: R U' r' M U' r2

dBR: U2 R' U2 R U R' U' R

1x2x3 then DB edge

If the user wants they can build the right side 1x2x3 then add the DB edge by just using M and U moves. This way is kind of on the line of method classification.

Scramble: R2 L' F2 B2 U' B' D' L' U L2 F R2 B L2 F2 R2 B D2 R2 B

FB: x2 B2 U' F' U' M2 B'

SB: R U' M2 U' r' U R' U2 R' U2 R U M' U R'

dBR: U2 M'