Nativity House Ministry

St. Mark's Lutheran Church

by the Narrows

A team from St. Mark's provides meals to the guests at Nativity House once every month on the 4th Saturday. Some of us start cooking at 10am, and others join in at 11 to help assemble the meals. When we're done preparing the food we deliver it to Nativity House around 12 or 12:30.

We also continue to deliver sack lunches. Please see the following pages for details.

As of September 2022,  volunteers had prepared and delivered nearly 5,000 meals for Nativity House guests! Thanks to all who have helped (and who will be helping in the future). 

For several months, we also provided bagged breakfast meals, which volunteers prepared at St. Mark's and delivered. The funds for this part of the ministry are no longer available but we hope to do this again in the future.

Please see the Nativity House safety rules for volunteers - whether making lunches at home, cooking at St. Mark's, or volunteering on-site at Nativity House.